Pony(?)!Eda and Habits of Life

Jul 16, 2011 13:35

+ what their bedroom looks like:
It's rather... like a dorm room. It's a hodge-podge of various random crap, most of which she hardly ever uses except for certain important objects. Her double life (and job) are outside her room, so she only comes in there to sleep or to 'entertain'. It used to be kinda messy, but the BIG ASS ANT ATTACK forced her to clean it up a bit. Some of the walls may have bullet holes in them... >_> (Booze and guns don't always mix so well...) Always smells like cigarettes, gunpowder, rum, and kinda heady perfume. (Typist thinks it could be Obsession.)
+ something about their eating habits:
Has pretty simple tastes. (Her most favorite thing to eat is fast-food, doesn't care that much about the kind due to her travels as long as it's sanatary. Although a cheeseburger is the closest thing to her heart.) Most likely can't cook worth crap.
+ my opinion on their love life (or lack thereof):
I'll be honest with you, although my Eda leans towards celiabacy (and Revy, if she's desperate/horny enough) in Roanapur, in the mansion, SHE'S A SLUT. She's flirting/flirted heavily  with Reno, Johnny, and Dean, has slept with Brian(!), and has weird sexual tension with Ines. Although if you actually ask me, I ship her with Mal if she had to settle down. Eda's lovelife is fun, though tiring. @_@   
+ something about their sleeping habits:
Can survive off a little amount of sleep due to Roanapur's crazy-ass atmosphere. (It's a thing I've noticed with characters like that, they don't sleep well) When she does actually sleep, it's light and still. 
+ a plot I'd like to see them involved in eventually:
This typist would have a FANGASM if some Rocks, Revys, or any other characters from her canon arrived. There's also that whole thing with Brian, which is BAD NEWS ALL OVER for Eda, but entertains me. (And makes Meta!Aramat cackle.XD) Turk!Eda is also badass, since it's rare to see Agent!Eda.

photos, meta, meme, fun

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