(no subject)

Sep 04, 2008 12:01

Originally uploaded by nuncstansThe delicate souls of Reality TV make me weep.

This pre-school teacher wore intense fractal-style outfits in which every one of the multiple accessories contributed to the theme, such as “dogs.” Including homemade accessories such as shoeslaces with petco tags on them. And the people who love her bring her on Reality TV to tell her that she is an embarrassment and that she should “just look more professional.” She explains, with great eloquence, and tolerance for the others’ rudely expressed dissident views, that she feels like a princess in her custom-made costumes; they tell her she looks like a crazy person and throw all her clothes in the trash.

They are so worried about her looking crazy that they waste no precious makeover time wondering about how she got so crazy in the first place or what she might need to replace the snuggly feelings that come from wearing the Christmas in July outfit, or the Dinosaurs dress with matching slip, or why a forty-five year old woman’s one refuge of joy is uncomfortably intense theme outfits.

As her clothes are tossed in the trash, she slips a rainbow sticker onto her favorite, Disney Princesses, dress, which says, REWARD! Please Return to [Address] Very Important!

And then, of course, according to the story arc of these shows, immediately after being completely crushed, Stockholm Syndrome kicks in. It’s as though the nerd reading Ursula LeGuin two inches from her face were kidnapped by three popular girls at lunch and told, like, you could be almost pretty? If you just do exactly what we say?

Why does no one acknowledge that what these shows are about is not clothes but about love and acceptance?

Can you imagine a makeover show ambushing the Tron Guy? Like, um, your leotard is really unflattering and people laugh at you behind your back-no really, they are laughing at you. You really shouldn’t wear white. Maybe you could do a Darth Vader.

But women don't get to be in that nerd realm. They're just "befores."

In other news, I got hit by a car while riding my bike home from work, but I am fine except for bruises. But seriously, look at this:
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