[RL Locked to April and maybe Raph]

Jun 13, 2007 22:57

Mikey shifted on the fireescape, clutching his teddy Mr. Huggelsworth against his plastron as his free hand knocked on the window, he hoped April would respond soon, it was cold at 12 in the morning after all and his trench coat wasn't keeping him too warm ( Read more... )

rl thread, nightmares, april, mr. huggelsworth

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shadowed_genius June 14 2007, 06:17:06 UTC
Dreams are a very lovely thing, and April was having a rather nice dream this evening. She could practically feel everything that was happening, and just as her lips were about to meet his, something jostled her out of her sleeping state. April looked around groggily before eyeing her alarm, wondering if it was the perpetrator. Hell, it was twelve in the morning!

Muttering a few choice things, April realized that someone was at her window, and made her way over, hearing the whimper of her name, wondering what was going on. Sliding her window open, April felt the cool chill and she stepped back, her arms crossed, trying to conserve heat. The sight she was met with was rather different.

It was Mikey and his teddy bear. What was he doing here?

"What are you doing here so late, Mike? Is something wrong?"


nunchuck_king June 14 2007, 06:24:41 UTC
"I had a nightmare, I wanna stay with you." He said using his lip quiver of cuteness. (Soon to be trade marked if he could manage it!) "I tried to ask Leo, but he pushed me out of his room, I asked Raph but he kicked me. I asked Donny but he was asleep on his keyboard." Rambled the sleepy turtle hugging his teddy close.

"Please can I stay with you, I'm lonely.."


shadowed_genius June 14 2007, 06:30:46 UTC
April rubbed her arms slightly to keep the warmth as she sighed at Mikey's words. He had a nightmare, and rather than trying to go back to sleep in his own room, he'd gone to his brothers and each in turn, in some way or another, had denied him, so he'd made his way here. AT the moment, April was almost too tired to argue with him or tell him that he should have just gone back to bed and grow up.

"They all denied you."

April muttered as she gestured him to come in. She wouldn't deny him tonight, hell she was too tired, and as long as he didn't do anything stupid and keep her up too much longer, she figured it shouldn't be a problem. April wanted to get back to her dream.

"Come on in, Mike."

Now, April was debating on whether to just go to sleep without another word or what!


nunchuck_king June 14 2007, 06:36:39 UTC
He quietly gleed at someone letting him in, easily climbing in and closing the window after himself, locking it. Naturally closing it on his instinct knowing open windows were never smart thing to have in Newyork city. "Yes they did, Raph was mean, he gave me a bruise." Pouted the turtle turning to her.

He shrugged off his coat putting it on April at the arm rubbing. "Here, your cold." He chirped, hugging his teddy again.


shadowed_genius June 14 2007, 06:41:24 UTC
April wasn't sure if she was really evening thinking, but she wasn't sure if she'd regret letting Mikey in or not. Either way, she was too tired to care. She was glad that he climed in and closed the window, though, it was cold! April gave off a small yawn and nodded at Mikey's assessment of Raph.

"You interrupted his sleep, I don't doubt he was upset and gave you a bruise."

April stated before pulling the coat close around her a moment, holding in another yawn as she pointed him towards her doorway, and the livingroom where the couch was.

"Head that-a-way, I'll get you a pillow and blanket out."


nunchuck_king June 14 2007, 06:48:42 UTC
"But he doesn't have to hit that hard." Sulked Mikey, last time he had a nightmare Raph had begrudgingly let him in. It was usually Leo who let Mikey climb in bed with him and both'd be brotherly and stuff.

Mikey pouted at that but headed to the living room anyway, flopping down the couch, still wearing his fedora.


shadowed_genius June 14 2007, 06:52:22 UTC
"You woke him up, he felt he had the right, I suppose."

April shrugged, wondering if she had done the right thing letting him in. She didn't know if he was going to keep her up, but then again, he wasn't being that bad so far! April gave another yawn, her hand covering it as she moved to the hall closet, retrieving a pillow and a nice warm blanket for Mikey.

She made her way into the living room and sat the items down on her couch before pulling off the trench coat and draping it over her chair.

"You can watch the tv as you go to sleep if you want, and you know where everything is, Mikey, help yourself."

That was probably a mistake.


nunchuck_king June 14 2007, 07:03:02 UTC
Mikey had managed a mumble easily nabbing the blanket and pillow, setting himself up for his bed time. "Thanks sis! Night night!" He chirped again, hugging his teddy again. He couldn't stop his own yawn.

He himself wasn't having any inner turmoil besides pouting at not getting to cuddle with someone, now he was supposed to old to do that anymore. (But dammit he loved cuddling.)

He couldn't stop himself from holding Mr. Huggelsworth up at April, "He'd like a kiss." Mikey's big brown childish eyes didn't help with stopping his cute appeal, one more reason why his siblings even let him climb in bed with them.


shadowed_genius June 14 2007, 07:07:29 UTC
April held in another yawn and smiled warmly at Mikey. She did care for him, he was like her brother, and had been that way for quite some time.

"You're welcome, Mike. Night."

She stated before she turned around. April had almost made it away, and was already thinking about her dream again when Mikey's voiced piped up again, and she turned around, staring at his bear. Jeez, Mikey was the biggest little kid at times, but it was endearing, at other times.

Giving a grunt of displeasure, April moved over beside the couch and gave the bear a quick peck, and Mikey one too, for good measure, and then took a step back.

"Now, get some sleep, and I'll see you later. G'night."


nunchuck_king June 14 2007, 07:24:15 UTC
April has missed Mikeys big silly grin at the kiss on his cheek and the kiss to his and Mr. Huggelsworth cheek.

The orange masked turtle watched her vanish back into her room, door clicking shut. The turtle sighed and moved to curl up for the night, closing his eyes slightly able to doze off fully. His face pressed up against Mr. Huggelsworth's brown and white fluff face.

Flashes of his dream came back, making the turtle wriggle, jerk and whimper in his sleep. His nightmares usually consisted of the same things, his family leaving him behind, yet another reason he was so clingy when it came to certain aspects.

April was able to get some sleep as Mikey dozed in and out for a little bit before waking up with a slight noise, heart giving a painful jerk in panic. He glanced around rubbing his eyes and clutching his bear tighter, lip quivering slightly. He sucked it up getting up ninjay heading for Aprils room, he knew he was acting like big ole baby, but he was lonely and slightly frightened.


shadowed_genius June 14 2007, 07:32:32 UTC
April hadn't gone to the same dream, but an oddly different one. This time she and Casey weren't on a beach or having fun, they were watching as Mikey cried, and trying to console him. It was as if he were a real child or something, and it wasn't helping in anyway, but the dream changed for the better after a bit and just as Casey had April in his arms, April was awakened by something, and she didn't know what the hell it was!

April jerked upward into a seated position, wondering why she had an odd sense of something hitting her, and when she saw Mikey heading into her room she dropped back down and sighed, figuring she had to be dreaming or something, he should have been asleep.

"Mike, what are you doing?"


nunchuck_king June 14 2007, 07:38:30 UTC
He paused just by her doorway shifting slightly, he was obviously nervous. "Can me and Mr. Huggelsworth join you?" He asked softly, it was rare to see Mikey actually be soft spoken. He was the loud one for a obvious reason.

He gave it a moment before starting to head back to the couch expecting a no or a hit provided.


shadowed_genius June 14 2007, 07:42:48 UTC
April heard the question and sighed. Why was he having so much trouble sleeping tonight? It just wasn't right, and it was down right annoying. April rolled over onto her side, giving more room on her bed, she didn't really care at this point, but sam him heading back to the couch.

"I thought you wanted to join me, Mike?"

She asked sleepily, she wasn't going to deny him, but she wasn't going to stay awake all night waiting on him or anything either.


nunchuck_king June 14 2007, 07:47:21 UTC
Her words had surprised him, also made him turn around and scamper back into the room and crawl in the bed with April, settling Mr. Huggelsworth between them as he curled into a ball shifting under the covers.

"Thank you." Was his mumble, yawning starting to doze off comfortably with another person next to him, specially his big sis!

"Night night..."


shadowed_genius June 14 2007, 07:51:00 UTC
April was too tired to really care if she had a mutant turtle in her bed. As long as he went to sleep and didn't bother her, hell it was perfectly fine! April pulled the covers a bit further up and tucked one arm under her pillow as Mikey settled.

"You'er welcome, Mike."

She stated, growing quiet as she closed her eyes, and began to retreat into darkness, barely even hearing Mikey tell her night.


nunchuck_king June 14 2007, 07:56:41 UTC
Both slept comfortably, Mikey actually able to fully get some sleep, his jacket hours later giving little vibrations as the shell cell rang on silent. Neither noticed as they slept.

Mikey ended up with his snout buried in his big sister's shoulder clinging to her comfy womfy. Mr. Huggelsworth between them.


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