
Dec 30, 2008 23:02

I dunno what to think about my recent tryst with Donny, I know its been going on for a few weeks. Still I didn't expect him to... Ya know wanna be even remotely intimate with me again. It's so weird. I thought he'd get tired of me an move back to celibacy.

Yeah, I still do really really like Adam. But its nice to not be so lonely anymore. Its nice to be able to cuddle with someone at night an be ... Well ya know touchy feely with. Even if I'm always classified the little kid of the family, I'm not exactly six anymore. I'm sixteen, I'm a big boy, I can handle adult topics and partners. But thats for another entry where I talk to myself an stuff. Mostly what I'm getting at dear ole me, is why am I not guilty? I should totally be wracked with guilt over the fact I'm cheating on my cross country boyfriend.

What the shell's wrong with me? Did the mekrobs get me when I was sleeping? Or maybe even the plants?

Dude, no matter what they say, the plants still wanna eat me. Eeuch.

Maybe it was the plants, cause so far. I-I'm just kinda really inta Donny, he's sweet, quiet and well so Donny like its hard not to like him. He's always gentle an wants to know what I wanna do. Even if he gets huffy he's pretty quick to apologize if he yells at me too. In a really cute way. Hard not to find that kinda sweet. All blushy an shuffly-

Guh, probably was the plants that got me, a mekrob plant at that!

I dunno what to think anymore, I really do like Adam, but yeesh Donny's real good to me an he's here...

I think I'm gonna go play some video games, maybe that'll clear my head.

big words gasp, donny, huh?, relationships, adam, confused mikey

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