[Rl - Meeting the inlaws? Maybeeee-]

Jun 28, 2008 19:20

After much goofying around, sexual and non sexual kinds mind you Mikey was able to get the portal open, the ninja walking through easily into April's kitchen. Grinning faintly as he watched Adam duck down and make his way through. The portal turtle sized, if it kept up Adam'd be stuck with a hunched back.

"We need bigger portals." He said wryly to the orange masked ninja. Straightening up and stretching somewhat, cracking his back in from having to stoop so low. He just had to choose a tiny turtle for a lover didn't he?

"Nu-uh, you just need to get shorter." Countered Mikey easily, able to smother his grin at the raised brow from Adam and move to peek out of the kitchen.

"Poddy April! Poddy Casey, we're here. Sorry if we were late, er I kinda got distracted momentarily." He called, earning an amused headshake from the bald human.

"Momentarily? It was a bit more than momentarily Mikey."


meet my boyfriend, rl thread, adam, april, casey

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