[Need the hunks to keep me motivated!]
So who do you think looks better after coming out from the army?
What a day!
It's the first day back to work for most people and for people in the same profession as me, it was a day where we get to meet our lovely students....again.
I had the first 6 periods and it was mainly about the test corrections. By the time, break came around, my voice was hoarse and I thought I might lose it.
Not surprisingly, a lot of students were absent and those who did turn up were yawning away and pleaded for a break. What break!? was my response (Please imagine a sarcastic tone)
The power at work was on/off cos they were still doing up the school. So my kids were moaning about the heat!
Most of my colleagues were talking about their holidays except for one expat colleague who was sick and still is at the moment. She said she spent a night at RIPAS with a drip. Ouch!
The rest of the day passed by uneventfully and in the afternoon, I popped by HH Manggis. No crowds at all. Lovely!
So tonight, it is full steam ahead to prepare for tomorrow. Got told that there would be a meeting this Saturday to discuss next year's plans. I have to prepare the SPN-21 outline for Year 7 at the least as well as revamp the SOW. Arghh!!