Title: Sugar Rush [2/2] Pairing: Banghim Genre: Fluff Rating: PG13 Summary: Yongguk and Himchan have their first date at Himchan's apartment. Sequel to Sugar Content
Aww that was too adorable and sweet~ I love your banghim fics, they're all so sweet and cute hehe >w<~ Now I'm waiting for the sequel to the one where Jaehyo forces Himchan to go grocery shopping with him :D
Thank you ^^ ~~<3 Actually I'm working on that one now. Hopefully it will be up soon (but probably not today because I'm going to see Hunger Games and my beta is on a trip) soon though!! ^^
Thank you ~~<3 I really didn't wanna have them jump into bed together, especially when the other sequel I'm working on has them a bit more intimate. I wanted them to take things slow and get to know each other though first ^^
Comments 16
This was sooooo cute and fluffy!!!!
I like how they were taking their time to know each other ^^
Loved it darling ❤
I didn't want to rush them and have them jump into bed together so I'm quite happy with the way it turned out ^^
Now I'm waiting for the sequel to the one where Jaehyo forces Himchan to go grocery shopping with him :D
Actually I'm working on that one now. Hopefully it will be up soon (but probably not today because I'm going to see Hunger Games and my beta is on a trip) soon though!! ^^
I agree, they're so lovely together hehe
Thanks for reading ~~<3
They're adorable and fluffy and I like how they're just there and talking and not rushing into things. ♥
I really didn't wanna have them jump into bed together, especially when the other sequel I'm working on has them a bit more intimate. I wanted them to take things slow and get to know each other though first ^^
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