Title: Catching snowflakes [1/1]
Pairing: BangHim (Bang Yong Guk/Kim Him Chan)
Rating: G
Summary: Himchan just isn't in the mood for another one of Yonghwa's parties
He’s not really in the mood for a party - not since he saw the girl in the blue mini-dress latching to Yongguk )
Comments 19
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Thank you ^^
I think Zelo/Yongguk and Jongup/Himchan are cute but for me it's more of a fatherly/brotherly/BFF type thing. I just love the way Banghim interact together.
I'm just planning two more stories with my beta reader now so hopefully there will be a few more up during in the week ^^ Thank you for reading ~~<3
i love how ubomb is in here ahaha block b.a.p stans! <3
Thanks for reading ~~<3
And I read your comment about them too <3
but this!
it is really sweet and I loved the part where Yongguk tries to wrap them up in the same coat
you are wonderful at writing these tw
Jongchan is adorable and my guilty pleasure OTP. Jongup's just so adorable T___T
You are seriously the best!!!!~<3
This story was so cute and fluffy and cute and . . . and everything was just perfect. But of course, nothing but the best from you ^___^~
I seriously stan/ship this couple thanks to you & the other YongChan writers. Your all so amazing!~<3
Good job, my love, on this new story!!!~<33
I don't know why but I haven't replied to any of the comments on this story till now 0_0 I have new inspiration thanks to a pretty French-Chinese boy I met last night T_T he was perfection wrapped into a big cute package
yeee more banghim stories hehe i like it :)
Thank you for reading ~~<3
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