Title: Remember me
Pairing: Junseung
Genre: Fluff/Tradgedy/Drama/Angst
Rating: pg13
Summary: Junhyung spends several months trying to work up the courage to talk to the handsome jogger he sees in Namsan park but one day he stops running and Junhyung finds out why
Hyunseung is still just as beautiful as he remembered from the park. Of course he’d never tell him that. Hyunseung would have the nurses throw him out if he did )
Comments 21
I can't kill Hyunseung >.
Thank you
I keep meaning to retry the eating disorder fic. I did start it and it was nearly finished. I had this pre-smut scene which was really good >,< but then my beta was like PFFT I hate the idea and things went a bit down hill.
I think I'm too much of a sucker for a happy ending haha
Oh, I like your first few paragraphs where you described the different seasons and how Hyunseung wore different clothes AND Junhyung list of things he dislikes. I find that totally amusing ^^
Thanks for posting this up bb!!
There's no way I could kill Hyunseung off. He's my beast bias and 2nd over all bias so I couldn't bring myself to do it (Plus my beta would have killed me if I had) haha
Junhyung will take good caare of him, I'm sure :D
It was indeed Ziva's running man who had been poisoned.
My mum loves NCIS so I was sort of watching it while reading and updating stuff and was like :o that would be a totally cute story... if maybe the the guy didn't die at the end but you never know for sure if he did because they just left it in the park with him asking if she'd have remembered him though the fact they didn't get together and you never see him again makes me think he probably didn't. I'd like to think he did though
I can't read junseung with sad endings, but since you wrote it i gave it a go and YIPPEEE no sad endings! :D
and why does stories like these have a little specialty to it? i mean, stories where one of the characters has a deathly sickness or something LOL. :)
love you and love this ♥♥
Ha I'm too much of a sap to write a sad ending. Junseung should always end up together in stories. Always. I think it's the whole caring for someone thing.. I find that quite endearing anyways so when it's deathly-serious it's like omg they're so committed *sobbing to self*
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