Title: Shift is almost over
Pairing: Junseung
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: Hyunseung is bored during a shift at work.
Notes: This is NOT a part of the classifieds series but that will be updated soon :D
He glances at the other’s slender hands and up to his profile, the pouty lips and defined cheekbones. He looks back to his screen as the phone line clicks and it’s the receptionist again. )
Comments 18
(randomly, omg first spot)
hahaha! yay thanks for fluffy junseung in the morning <3
thank you ~~~<3
..while reading through your AN..it hit..so the story is based from your experience???.. wow.. so cute.. and i think the way you flirted with the guy.. and i think it's cute.. actually we have this subject in school where in we speak with a computer.. like a front desk agent in a hotel.. and the freakin' (sorry for my wrong choice of word) mic can't recognize my voice, and what's more disappointing was.. it's not only me, but almost all my classmates have the same problems..and we're like a broken record... saying the same lines over and over...
.. but yeah about the fic.. it was really sweet and cute at the same time..
..i think i'll end it here...
~akap akap~ (hug hug)
.take care.
*peace out*
That sucks that the mics wouldn't recognize voices T.T *distracted by dookwang picture*
fluffy junseung is fluffy ^W^
so to start a conversation, you throw a note ? if that's what happened to you, than i better start writing cute notes to people ;D
love this ! ^^
Hehe the boy in question was really bored and tired so I flicked a note across and he started telling me about how he'd not slept because his dad had gotten remarried and his sister had justs given birth at like 4am and he was gonna have to drive out to a town two hours away to see her.
Anyways, I find it cute that you used what you did to the cute boy in this fic.
hey hey..good luck in your work bb <3
I got shouted by a bad customer :( but it was ok because they said he was just one of those people looking to put someone else down and I got a good review later on that afternoon from a manager ^^
thank you for reading~~~<3
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