Title: Simulation
Pairing: Junseung
Genre: Smut, Angst, Horror
Rating: NC17
Summary: Junhyung spends every waking hour with a beautiful boy and someone else controlling his body.
Warnings: NonCon
Notes: Ah sorry, first attempt at Angst. I wrote this a while ago and I couldn't think of where to take it. I didn't want to make it a multi-chapter but I didn
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you did a good job pulling everything together! <3
I was trying to make it longer but I got blocked and ended up starting something new and now have block on that haha.
I may have to come back to it for a sequel. I have a basic idea for them getting out but it's really sketchy at the moment.
P.S. Do I spy Haemin??
i have a oneshot that i'm thinking of writing a sequel to. i'm just worried that a) i won't be able to think of anything or b) what i DO come up with won't be as great as the first oneshot.
and Haemin? i'm literally not sure what that is. wutchu talkin bout?
Oooohh what one shot you working on?
no, that's Hong Jonghyun. my newest fave actor. gorgeous, right? lol
i've already finished both of the oneshots i'm considering writing sequels for. one is my Touch fanfic "The Social Studies Club" (if i write a sequel, it will cover the alternative prom they were planning)
and the other one shot is "Elixir; or, Sleeping With Prince Valium" which is 2PM and i just wrote/posted it today but after rereading it, i did kinda just END it. so a sequel might be in the works.
You posted the 2pm 0__0 how did I miss that
*runs to read it*
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