Title: Postman [1/1] Fandom: U-KISS Pairing: Sooseop / Soohyun x Kiseop Rating: G Genre: Fluff Summary: Soohyun, a lonely postman, meets the new boy in town Notes: Junbros and Junseung fics to follow
Sweet and simply adorable. I love how you write this pair! Honestly, you're one of my favorite authors. I don't think I'll ever tire of reading & re-reading your works.
So modest. I like that. You really are an excellent writer, though.
I know what you mean about having incomplete fics and needing inspiration to continue. Writer's block is an awful frustration.
What I was thinking for a fic I'd love to read is U-Kiss does some fan research online to get a better feel of fans' opinion of the band and the sort of things they want to see in the future.
The guys stumble across a web forum that ranks each individual member's "Level of Seme-ness" (can include other 'rival' bands/singers).
Cue shock & indignation. Not to mention absolute smugness from the lucky guy(s) voted as "most Seme".
Sprinkle in denial & determination to "prove it wrong" and... the fact that some of the fans' reasoning behind the ranking bring up personal insecurities held by the the U-Kiss guys... Wow...
The awkwardness & drama potential is near limitless.
Just a thought, anyway...
Again, keep up the great work. I'll be looking forward to any updates or new fics you decide to post.
A little? Really? LOL Silly Brandon. You and the lack of Sooli is what got me into Sooseop. I hardly found any Sooli when I first got into U-Kiss then Kiseop grew on me and instantly begged my attention and well you know the story from there.
Are you proud of yourself? hehe
I started a Sooseopli but I have no idea where it's going XD
Comments 18
this was such a pleasant and light read, bby. :}
At first I only saw the wtf and was like eeep people hate it already. Then I read the rest and realised I was an idiot haha.
Thank you so much for reading ^^
Do you take fic requests? Just wondering...
I don't think I'm as good as you give me credit for but you certainly made my day.
At the moment I can take a fic request. I have several part done fics staring me in the face but not really offering inspiration to finish them haha
Maybe a request is what I need to kick my butt into gear
I know what you mean about having incomplete fics and needing inspiration to continue. Writer's block is an awful frustration.
What I was thinking for a fic I'd love to read is U-Kiss does some fan research online to get a better feel of fans' opinion of the band and the sort of things they want to see in the future.
The guys stumble across a web forum that ranks each individual member's "Level of Seme-ness" (can include other 'rival' bands/singers).
Cue shock & indignation. Not to mention absolute smugness from the lucky guy(s) voted as "most Seme".
Sprinkle in denial & determination to "prove it wrong" and... the fact that some of the fans' reasoning behind the ranking bring up personal insecurities held by the the U-Kiss guys... Wow...
The awkwardness & drama potential is near limitless.
Just a thought, anyway...
Again, keep up the great work. I'll be looking forward to any updates or new fics you decide to post.
Good Luck!
i'm tempted to write some Sooli now, because that's my other OTP. <3
Are you proud of yourself? hehe
I started a Sooseopli but I have no idea where it's going XD
there are soooo many ideas i've got floating around in my head that i have yet to type out.
and yeah, Sooli is pretty rare, which is one of the reasons why i'm all over it.
lol it's something i just kinda noticed:
i always tend to gravitate towards the "rare" pairings.
I have a Junseung fic I'm considering re-writing soon or perhaps writing a sequel to so hopefully I'll get a bit more out soon^^
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