Season Four Nomination List

Oct 06, 2007 11:16

Updated: September 14, 2008

  1. Overall
    1. Best Episode
      1. Trust Metric (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      2. Hollywood Homicide (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      3. Velocity (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      4. Thirteen (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      5. Robin Hood (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      6. In Security (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      7. Primacy (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      8. Tabu (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      9. Graphic (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      10. Chinese Box (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      11. Breaking Point (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      12. Power (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      13. Black Swan (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      14. Checkmate (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      15. End Game (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      16. Atomic No. 33 (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      17. Pay to Play (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
      18. When Worlds Collide (Redhawke Summary & Recapist Recap)
    2. Best Guest Actor
      1. Chris Bauer as Raymond "Ray Ray" Galuski (Velocity and Breaking Point)

      2. Matthew Yang King as Matt Li (Multiple Episodes)

      3. DJ Qualls as Anthony Braxton (Primacy)

      4. Will Patton as Gary Walker (Robin Hood)

      5. Enrico Colantoni as Ben Blakely (Chinese Box)

      6. Damian Young as Richard Taylor (Breaking Point)

      7. Chris Bruno as Tim King (Chinese Box)

      8. Shawn Hatosy as Dwayne Carter (Trust Metric)

      9. Sharif Atkins as Clay Porter (End Game)

      10. Sean Patrick Flanery as Jeff Upchurch (Tabu)

      11. Bill Nye as Bill Waldie (End Game)

    3. Best Guest Actress
      1. Aya Sumika as Agent Liz Warner (Multiple Episodes)

      2. Ari Graynor as Ella Pierce (Tabu)

      3. Aunjanue Ellis as LAPD Internal Affairs officer Ivy Kirk (Power)

      4. Andrea Roth as Professor Alex Trowbridge (Thirteen)

      5. Michelle Nolden as Robin Brooks (Multiple Episodes)

    4. Most Evil FBI Nemesis
      1. Mason Lancer, who tortured Colby for the Chinese (Trust Metric)

      2. Commander Chris Frederickson, who gave the AP-47 gang Leah Wexford's address while she was in the witness protection program. (In Security)

      3. Blaine Cleary, who raped several women (Power)

      4. John Corcoran, who was the numerological serial killer (Thirteen)

    5. Least Bright FBI Nemesis
      1. The bomb maker, who engaged in a shootout with David and Colby in a house full of bombs (Black Swan)

      2. Super Towel Boy, who tried to outrun David and Colby (Graphic)

      3. Dwayne Carter, who needs no introduction (Trust Metric)

  2. Wardrobe
    1. Best Charlie Wardrobe
      1. Red button down shirt and grey jacket (Primacy)

      2. FBI SWAT gear (Checkmate)

      3. The "Easy as Pi" shirt (Atomic No. 33)

      4. Helmet, driving gloves, and goggles (Checkmate)

    2. Best Don Wardrobe
      1. Grey jacket, white dress shirt, and jeans (Velocity)

      2. Black jeans, watch, and cell phone (Tabu)

      3. Grey shirt, pillow, and sheets (Power)

      4. Black silky shirt (Graphic)

      5. Kevlar (Multiple Episodes)

      6. Grey suit and blue shirt (Atomic No. 33)

    3. Best Alan Wardrobe
      1. Brown jacket and white shirt (Thirteen)

      2. Brown striped shirt and jeans (Robin Hood)

      3. Black striped shirt and jeans (Velocity)

      4. Student Alan with backpack and books (Multiple Episodes)

    4. Best David Wardrobe
      1. Dark suit, striped shirt, and striped tie (Breaking Point)

      2. Suit and striped tie (Thirteen)

      3. Black jacket with pockets (Atomic No. 33)

      4. Black suit jacket and white striped shirt (Checkmate)

      5. Brown jacket, brown jeans, and blue shirt (When Worlds Collide)

      6. Blue jeans, button down shirt, watch, and sunglasses (Velocity)

      7. Dark suit, lavender shirt, and purple tie (Graphic)

      8. Blue jeans, red long sleeved shirt, and watch (Checkmate)

      9. Blue jeans and polo shirt (Tabu)

    5. Best Larry Wardrobe
      1. Jeans, sneakers, and green shirt (Thirteen)

      2. White shirt, jeans, watch, and black bag (Robin Hood)

      3. Dark suit jacket, and blue shirt (End Game)

      4. Blue striped vest (When Worlds Collide)

    6. Best Amita Wardrobe
      1. Jeans and black sweater (Thirteen)

      2. Lacy white shirt (Robin Hood)

      3. Black pants and pink sweater (Primacy)

      4. The pink suit (Tabu)

      5. Brown jacket and multi-colored scarf (Breaking Point)

      6. Red knit sweater and pink shirt (Hollywood Homicide)

      7. Pink top with pink and white scarf (Checkmate)

    7. Best Megan Wardrobe
      1. A multicolored sweater and pink dress (Trust Metric)

      2. Black jacket, white and cream top, sunglasses, and bracelets (Hollywood Homicide)

      3. High collared white jacket, brown shirt, and blue jeans (Velocity)

      4. Two toned blue and grey top (Robin Hood)

      5. Grey pantsuit and blue blouse (Power)

      6. Various button up shirts hiding the baby bump (Multiple Episodes)

    8. Best Colby Wardrobe
      1. Wife-beater, sunglasses, and black beanie hat (Trust Metric)

      2. Full SWAT gear (Chinese Box)

      3. Black jacket, blue shirt, and sunglasses (Robin Hood)

      4. FBI jacket and light blue button-down shirt (Atomic No. 33)

      5. Grey shirt and blue jeans (In Security)

      6. Blue jeans, light blue button down shirt, and grey jacket (Hollywood Homicide)

      7. The FBI hoodie (Hollywood Homicide)

      8. Jeans, white shirt, and chain necklace (Power)

      9. Dressed as an LAPD officer (Power)

      10. Jeans and grey shirt (Robin Hood)

      11. Sweaty grey shirt, and SWAT gear down at his waist (Chinese Box)

  3. Miscellaneous
    1. Best Charlie Hair Scene
      1. (Hollywood Homicide)

      2. (Black Swan)

      3. (Primacy)

    2. Best Jeans of Justice Scene
      1. (Primacy)

      2. (Black Swan)

      3. (Graphic)

      4. (When Worlds Collide)

      5. (When Worlds Collide)

    3. Best Shot of Don with Gun Drawn
      1. Aiming at Colby, but unable to pull the trigger on the subway (Trust Metric)

      2. Back-to-back with Charlie (Graphic)

      3. Talking down the guy with the bomb (Black Swan)

    4. Best Shot of David with Gun Drawn
      1. Shooting at Chinese agents while rescuing Colby (Trust Metric)

      2. In the elevator with Ben Blakely (Chinese Box)

      3. Attempting to rescue Ella Pierce (Tabu)

    5. Best Shot of Megan with Gun Drawn
      1. In a dark mood waiting for Larry (Power)

      2. After her duck and roll in the club (Hollywood Homicide)

      3. On the freighter rescuing Colby (Trust Metric)

      4. Gun drawn on Porter after he walks into the FBI office (End Game)

      5. Behind SWAT shield going after Ella Pierce (Tabu)

    6. Best Shot of Colby with Gun Drawn
      1. Taking on three bad guys all by himself (Breaking Point)

      2. Tracking Clay Porter in the convenience store (End Game)

      3. Going after Spectre (Primacy)

      4. Taking down drug dealer (Robin Hood)

      5. Using gun to open box he suspects contains a human head (Thirteen)

      6. Playing Ninja after planting the bug (Black Swan)

    7. Best Romantic Pairing
      1. Charlie and Amita

      2. Don and Liz

      3. Megan and Larry

      4. Don and Robin

    8. Best Scene of Colby (or David) Jumping
      1. Leaping in front of the oncoming train with Dwayne Carter (Trust Metric)

      2. Jumping over the railing towards the pool to retrieve Mark Green before Liz shot him (Hollywood Homicide)

      3. Spotting the suspect, Jared Parr, out the window and leaping several floors in pursuit (Thirteen)

      4. Diving into the water trying to retrieve the bag of money (Robin Hood)

      5. Trying not to be swept away by the rapids (Primacy)

      6. David's flying leap to rescue Don (Graphic)

      7. Jumping on Craig Ezra's fleeing jeep and falling (Atomic No. 33)

  4. Quotes and Dialogue
    1. Best Charlie Quote
      1. "I know math is full of absolutes, but unfortunately the rest of life isn't." (Trust Metric)
      2. "Well, I just see it now, as a teacher, that satisfaction comes not from having all the answers, but from watching others find them, and you missed out on that." (Thirteen)
      3. "Peace, love, and math." (In Security)
      4. "I have the willpower of a field mouse." (Primacy)
      5. "I can do whimsical." (Primacy)
      6. "Is it wrong for me to get turned on by the sight of you in goggles and rubber gloves?" (Tabu)
      7. "I want the world for you." (Power)
      8. "It could be my observations of Brett and his friends, or Colby coming back, or you and Larry. I know what I want to say about friendship. I know what goes along with the math." (Hollywood Homicide)
    2. Best Don Quote
      1. "You know, Charlie, we don't exactly think of you as our hunch guy." (Graphic)
      2. "But if there's anything stronger than the bond between brothers, it's the bond between brothers who have become friends. Charlie's my friend." (Graphic)
      3. "Oh, come on, Charlie. Come on, you can come to me, you can come to me with anything." (Breaking Point)
      4. "This is ridiculous. Look, you've got to sleep at your own place, all right?" (Power)
      5. "I better start hearing the music soon." (Robin Hood)
    3. Best Alan Quote
      1. "Charlie cleaned out the garage and now I can't find a damn thing." (Hollywood Homicide)
      2. "E-P-P-E-S" (In Security)
      3. "No, no, no, it's not a hit piece. Sure, he makes some jokes at your expense, but actually they're quite funny." (Graphic)
      4. "I don't want to get all 1960's on you, but I heard that accusation tossed around a lot in my time. The truth is, it's never that simple. You may owe it to yourself and Colby to understand why he did what he did, before you actually close the book on him." (Trust Metric)
      5. "When I was your age I was married and I already had a kid." (Velocity)
    4. Best David Quote
      1. "Never say I don't take you to the hottest places." (Hollywood Homicide)
      2. "Not a cowboy, just a regular field agent." (Tabu)
      3. "I still don't know who he is. I didn't know him when he was a spy. Now he's some guy who pretended to be a spy who pretended to be my partner" (Trust Metric)
      4. "You learn that in spy school?" (Robin Hood)
    5. Best Larry Quote
      1. "I may need to find a new monastery." (Trust Metric)
      2. "It's emptiness itself. This tempts me not." (Hollywood Homicide)
      3. "Now, listen. Firstly, I come down not from the mountains, but from the foothills. Secondly, I am not old, certainly not by today's standards. And thirdly, being wiser than the present company does not signify the breach of a noteworthy threshold." (Velocity)
      4. "I'm thinking of a lot of things. That is, when I'm not trying to think of nothing." (Velocity)
      5. "Even the vow of silence monks are grumbling." (In Security)
      6. "You could move in with me, but I don't live anywhere." (Primacy)
      7. "Yeah, I sense a big hairy but coming." (Primacy)
      8. "Charles, you look like someone stole your chalk." (Primacy)
      9. "Einstein said religion should rise from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual in a meaningful unity. Now made from the parcels of my former self, this fountain perfectly analyzes the seamless integration of both my physical and spiritual lives." (Primacy)
      10. "No. Actually the chain of command went Commander Spock to Lieutenant Commander Scott to Lieutenant Sulu and then once during season two it actually went to Assistant Chief Engineer DeSalle." (Checkmate)
      11. "So, the chorus of car horns that follows in your wake... What is that? A spontaneous phenomenon?" (Breaking Point)
    6. Best Amita Quote
      1. "I haven't seen a Ramanujan who can say not to an Eppes yet." (Robin Hood)
      2. "Yes! I took his mojo." (Primacy)
      3. "Charlie, I've been swept off my feet. I'm going to have to run off with this man because he is so smooth." (Graphic)
      4. "That's not a good game face. He's hurting." (Trust Metric)
    7. Best Megan Quote
      1. "What's up with you and the water?" (Primacy)
      2. "Naked carjacking. It's the worst kind." (Graphic)
      3. "Hugh Jackman in his Wolverine costume. That was hot." (Graphic)
      4. "Hey, ladies, the sorority meeting is right there, in interrogation." (Robin Hood)
      5. "Remember when The Who got back together and decided to go out on tour, took them a little while to get their groove back?" (Robin Hood)
      6. "You have a great way of making my neuroses cosmic." (Tabu)
      7. "Oh, my God! This is why you're not supposed to text and drive!" (Black Swan)
    8. Best Colby Quote
      1. "Dwayne, I really wish somebody else had pulled me out of that fire… 'Cause I hate owing you." (Trust Metric)
      2. "I asked Don if I could come back. You know, you can lose your faith, around here it's pretty easy, but, uh, I figure the only way things might get better is if people like you and me don't run away. Hang in there, Megan." (Thirteen)
      3. "Did Grandpa jump in the car with him too?" (In Security)
      4. "You know, for a minute there, I almost believed a man could fly." (Graphic)
      5. "Let's see if you feel any differently about it when you're somebody's cellblock bitch." (Power)
      6. "Okay, you don't trust me, I get that. Alright, you have to understand that I trust you. The fact is, you are the only person I can trust right now." (Trust Metric)
      7. "Look, I want to go in there. Okay, David is my partner. I know his moves better than anyone. I can make sure these guys don't overreact. Don, tell me the argument to make, I will make it." (Chinese Box)
      8. "Colby, go down the elevator shaft. Colby, jump in the bay. Hey, Colby, climb the Sixth Street Bridge." (Black Swan)
    9. Best Guest Star Quote
      1. "Sounds like something from the movies, only not as cool." (Brett Chandler in Hollywood Homicide)
      2. "Hey, where wouldn't you be older than most other people, a rest home?" (Ray Galuski in Velocity)
      3. "And that is geek speak for bingo." (Ray Galuski in Velocity)
      4. "You start by knocking their heads together and move on from there." (Gary Walker in Robin Hood)
      5. "No Larry. Sorry, it's just that how often do women like that get involved with guys like us." (Ray Galuski in Breaking Point)
      6. "I haven't made up my mind about anything, including you." (Ivy Kirk in Power)
      7. "I know where I get my paycheck from." (Robin's Assistant, Peter in Atomic No. 33)
      8. "It's a good thing I keep Amita's enhancement algorithms on hand." (Matt Li in Velocity)
      9. "Well, that was crap-tastic" (Ray Galuski in Velocity)
      10. "This is really beginning to frost my shorts." (Ray Galuski in Velocity)
    10. Best Sarcastic Remark
      1. "Not to dis his decorating sense but I have definitely seen obsession done better." (Colby in Thirteen)
      2. "Does it involve your deceptive upper body strength?" (Colby in Primacy)
      3. "Misdemeanor Stupidity." (Colby in Robin Hood)
      4. "Pretty sure that the top of this tower doesn't come out in Mexico." (Atomic No. 33)
      5. David: Sir, you're in a bomb lab! Now you know better than to-- [Man fires and there is an explosion]
        Colby: Apparently not... (Black Swan)
      6. Colby (on Megan and Larry's relationship): Oh really? I thought it was part of the whole--
        Megan: The whole what, Granger? (Black Swan)
    11. Most Painfully Awkward Line (TM theoriginalspy)
      1. "I may be a traitor but at least I'm an American." (Dwayne Carter in Trust Metric)
      2. "I can do whimsical." (Charlie in Primacy)
      3. "Not exactly what I imagined after reading some of your more ethereal musings on cake cut theory." (Jeff Upchurch in Tabu)
      4. "No offence, but if you gotta get an FBI body guard, why not get that hot one we worked with. Agent Reeves? I'm pretty sure she was digging me."(Ray Galuski in Breaking Point)
    12. Best Dialogue Quip
      1. Larry: Nothing like this at the monastery and you know how I love a good soak.
        Charlie: That's right about where she died.
        Larry: That's unpleasant. (Hollywood Homicide)
      2. Ray Galuski: Maybe there was a dead body in the trunk.
        Megan: A dead body that got up and walked away after the crash? (Velocity)
      3. Charlie: Wait a second. You're telling me I spend years trying to get you interested in advance mathematics and now suddenly you're taking a class?
        Alan: Depends on who teaches it. (Velocity)
      4. Walker: I've gotten used to not understanding what the hell you're talking about.
        Charlie: It's great to see you too, Lieutenant. Well, just think about an online dating service.
        Walker: Now professor, what makes you think I would be familiar with a concept like that?
        Charlie: Hypothetically. (Robin Hood)
      5. Amita: It's an mpeg file, and from its resolution I think it came from a sat phone.
        David: Okay, how does that help us?
        Amita: I mean, if we had a DTMF decoder, that's, uh, dual-tone multi-frequency, it's touch tone.
        David: You couldn't just say that to begin with?
        Amita: Yeah, but it wouldn't be as much fun. (Tabu)
      6. Colby: Man, who's gonna tackle this guy?
        David: Whoever gets there last. (Graphic)
      7. Lancer: Do they know my name?
        Colby: You name, your dog's name, your grandmother's name, everyone knows everything. (Trust Metric)
      8. David: I can't believe the International Olympic Committee actually considers this a sport.
        Megan: I can't believe you're this bad at it. (Checkmate)
      9. Amita: I really, really wanted to sneak up on you and yell 'boo', but I thought it might not be the best idea right now.
        Charlie: Yeah, I appreciate the restraint.
        Amita: You have no idea. (Breaking Point)
      10. Charlie: The Beatles?
        David: Yeah, you're a fan?
        Charlie: Of course, the Beatles! Who isn't a fan?
        David: Yeah
        Charlie: You know I'm not an obsessed fan, you know some people read every article. (Black Swan)
      11. Megan: At least it's not porn.
        David: That would be Granger's computer.
        Colby: Only on Saturday nights.
        Megan: Oh boy. (Checkmate)
    13. Best Dialogue
      1. Charlie: You have a big ego.
        Don: Thanks.
        Charlie: No, you have a ginormous ego.
        Don: Thanks.
        Charlie: But you're not stupid, you know, you made the best decision you could with all the available information you had. (Trust Metric)
      2. Megan: No, I think we've gotta address what we're feeling because it's affecting the work.
        David: I'm feeling like I'd really like to put him back in prison.
        Don: Sure you're up for this?
        Megan: Hey, that's not fair. That's not what I said.
        Don: What do you want me to say? How do I feel? I feel like it's my fault. That Colby's my responsibility. (Trust Metric)
      3. Andrea Barton: I'm getting bored. You want the information I have? Guarantee I'm not charged with the blackmail.
        Don: You tell us, or I'm going to guarantee you're charged as an accessory to murder as well as blackmail.
        Andrea Barton: What good's a secret if you can't share it anyway? (Hollywood Homicide)
      4. Larry: I know, she's letting me win.
        Amita: Now Larry, that's not true.
        Larry: Amita, you're coddling me.
        Alan: No, she's strangling you.
        Amita: Sorry, Larry, it's a trap.
        Alan: You see, the problem is, you keep thinking of other things while you play.
        Larry: That's not true, other things keep thinking me. (Velocity)
      5. Don: What are you doing? I mean, are you trying to blow the whole thing? You were really out of line in there.
        Megan: I've seen you go at suspects just as hard. You wanna tell me you were out of line then? (Thirteen)
      6. David: You have the right to remain silent, anything you say…
        Colby: I don't think he can hear you, bud. (In Security)
      7. Amita: Maybe we should consider getting one of those new refrigerators that uses less energy.
        Larry: Uh, we?
        Amita: I was just speaking in general. (Power)
      8. Colby: They found the hardware but no guns what are they thinking?
        David: They are thinking Meechum got half way through the shopping list, fell into the gin mill, got dragged home by some girl
        Colby: I've been to plenty of gin mills in my day man, who are these women who just drag you home and where do I find them?
        David: You my friend are a prisoner of high standards and low social skills (Black Swan)
      9. Alan: Do you want to talk about it?
        Charlie: Is it obvious?
        Alan: Yeah, what?
        Charlie: She's afraid, that when her parents come into town next month, that her dad will have issues with me not being born in India. I feel kinda rejected.
        Alan: Well are you sure that's you being rejected? You know Charlie, parents have these ideals. These, uh, perfect plans for their kids.
        Charlie: What was your perfect plan?
        Alan: That Don would play professional baseball and that you would help me start a planning firm.
        Charlie: I never knew that. You disappointed?
        Alan: No, of course not. Nah, you guys help people in ways I could never have imagined.
        Charlie: Tell that to Mr. Ramanujan.
        Alan: Charlie, I'm sure that when he meets you, he will want nothing more for his daughter. (Robin Hood)
      10. Colby: Those biometric locks can be defeated. Once you lift the print, it’s possible to make a mold of it and fake out the system.
        David: You learn that in spy school?
        Colby: Discovery channel. (Robin Hood)
      11. David: "What do you think? Wait or go?
        Colby: Could be more bombs in there.
        David: That's kind of why I asked.
        Colby: Go?
        David: Yeah. I knew you'd say go. (Black Swan)
  5. Technical
    1. Best Written Episode
      1. Graphic by Ken Sanzel (IMDB Bio)
      2. Breaking Point by Cheryl Heuton and Nicolas Falacci (IMDB Bio)
      3. Checkmate by Robert Port (IMDB Bio)
      4. Trust Metric by Ken Sanzel (IMDB Bio)
      5. Robin Hood by Robert Port (IMDB Bio)
      6. Primacy by Cheryl Heuton and Nicolas Falacci (IMDB Bio)
    2. Best Storyline
      1. In Security
      2. Atomic No. 33
      3. Checkmate
      4. Robin Hood
      5. Chinese Box
    3. Best Camera Angle
      1. Colby and Dwayne Carter running away from Don with the subway train in between (Trust Metric)

      2. Don on the ground looking up at the gun pointed at him (Graphic)

      3. Don visiting Robin in her office, shot through the window and horizontal blinds (Checkmate)

      4. Through clear boards with writing on them (Multiple Episodes)

      5. Don's reflection in the dagger (Thirteen)

    4. Best Supporting Role by a Prop
      1. The lime green fluted bowl (Mulitple Episodes)

      2. Colby's Wooly Bugger fishing lure (Velocity)

      3. Falling pumpkins (Robin Hood)

      4. Larry's delivery truck (Tabu)

      5. The Neighborhood watch sign (Graphic)

      6. The 5x5 Rubik's cube (Velocity)

      7. Box of candy watermelon slices (Atomic No. 33)

      8. File folder hiding Diane Farr's pregnancy (Multiple Episodes)

      9. The hair clip with a tracking device that Don gave Robin (Checkmate)

      10. Charlie's lemon scented marker (Atomic No. 33)

    5. Best Set
      1. Megan's Apartment

      2. Don's Apartment

      3. The Comic Convention

    6. Best Filming Location
      1. Castle Green, the assisted living home (Graphic)

      2. The overlook where Colby brought Charlie (Breaking Point)

      3. Brett Chandler's house (Hollywood Homicide)

      4. Cal Sci (Multiple Episodes)

    7. Best Song
      1. The Funeral by Band of Horses (Breaking Point) (listen)
      2. Rise by Will Dailey (End Game) (listen)
      3. Baby Fratelli by The Fratellis (Power) (listen)
  6. Math
    1. Best Math Concept
      1. The fractal analysis of bleeding ink to determine who drew the comic books (Graphic)
      2. Ben Blakely as the man in Searle's Chinese Room Experiment (Chinese Box)
      3. Charlie's use of the trust metric to determine Colby's honesty (Trust Metric)
      4. The OODA Loop (End Game)
    2. Best Math Vision
      1. The buoys to explain how property values are related to the houses around it. (Breaking Point)

      2. Dolphins to explain a Venn diagram (Power)

      3. The black swan (Black Swan)

    3. Best Scene Where Charlie Writes an Equation
      1. Working in the FBI office when Colby calls from the subway (Trust Metric)

      2. Charlie writes an equation with a lemon scented marker (Atomic No. 33)

    4. Best Teaching Scene
      1. Charlie teaching his Introduction to Game Theory class (Trust Metric)

      2. Charlie using his student's Blackberry to make a point during lecture (Graphic)

      3. Larry demonstrating the goblet illusion for Charlie (In Security)

      4. Larry, Charlie, and Amita talking to the new TAs (Black Swan)

  7. Scenes
    1. Best Charlie Scene
      1. Exploding at Colby for over-emphasizing that Bonnie's life is at stake because Charlie couldn't think at that moment (Breaking Point)

      2. Going to Larry for advice before taking the results about Colby to the team (Trust Metric)

      3. Charlie on the FBI gun range (Checkmate)

    2. Best Don Scene
      1. Watching Colby's interrogation over and over again (Trust Metric)

      2. After learning of Dwayne and Colby's escape Don is unable to find his car keys (Trust Metric)

      3. Don and Steven Wexford comforting each other in the car outside the Wexford residence (In Security)

      4. Don coming to Robin's rescue on the docks (Checkmate)

      5. Don putting on his dirty shirt when his cell phone rang (End Game)

    3. Best Alan Scene
      1. Alan and Charlie fighting over how to open the box of his newly arrived books (In Security)

      2. Talking to the Vanity Fair writer about Charlie (Graphic)

      3. Talking to Don about Don's relationship with Liz (Primacy)

      4. Talking to Charlie about Amita's relationship with her father (Robin Hood)

    4. Best David Scene
      1. Talking with Don about ending his relationship with Liz (Tabu)

      2. In the elevator with Ben Blakely (Chinese Box)

      3. Saving Colby's life (Trust Metric)

      4. Saving Bishop (the chess prodigy) from the gang members (Checkmate)

    5. Best Larry Scene
      1. Seeing his messy office and freaking out (Primacy)

      2. Standing up to Ray about being involved with Megan (Breaking Point)

      3. Talking to Charlie about Don's card analysis (In Security)

      4. Faking out Charlie then running across the corn starch mixture (Atomic No. 33)

    6. Best Amita Scene
      1. Slaughtering Larry at chess (Velocity)

      2. Dropping off her nightgown in Charlie's office (Primacy)

      3. Accidentally killing Spectre (Primacy)

      4. Talking to Charlie about her parents visiting (Robin Hood)

      5. Talking about missing her parents (Black Swan)

      6. Going to meet Spectre (Primacy)

    7. Best Megan Scene
      1. Talking with Colby about her mysterious assignment for the DOJ (Thirteen)

      2. Talking with rape victim Rena about getting help (Power)

      3. Intentionally crashing her car (Black Swan)

      4. Leaving the FBI offices for the last time with (When Worlds Collide)

    8. Best Colby Scene
      1. Telling the group that he could be in control of Amita's Kali avatar (Primacy)

      2. Getting Charlie to talk about his feelings about almost being killed (Breaking Point)

      3. Asking Don if he can remain with the team during the stakeout (Velocity)

      4. Putting the photo of his unit on his desk (End Game)

      5. Getting washed away when the dam opens (Primacy)

    9. Best Guest Star Scene
      1. Ross Moore drawing the Eppes brothers and Larry (Graphic)

      2. Tim King's fight with Colby about the best way to save David's life (Chinese Box)

      3. Clay Porter walking into the FBI office and demanding to see his father's body (End Game)

      4. Clay Porter talking to David and Colby and bringing them food (End Game)

    10. Best Eppes Family Scene
      1. Don, Charlie, and Alan with Ray Galuski talking about Alan's upcoming adventures in academia (Velocity)

      2. The celebration dinner (Trust Metric)

      3. In the backyard where Don gets an FBI call and can't tell Charlie what's going on (When Worlds Collide)

    11. Best Comic Scene
      1. Brett Chandler and his entourage coming to visit the FBI offices and led to interrogation (Hollywood Homicide)

      2. Walker telling David and Colby that they'd been sloppy about bagging the glove for evidence (Robin Hood)

      3. Colby watching as David is beat up at the assisted living home (Graphic)

      4. Colby and David chase Towel Boy (Graphic)

      5. Larry faking out Charlie then running across the corn starch concoction (Atomic No. 33)

    12. Best Action Scene
      1. The chase through the assisted living home where an old lady beats David and David rescues Don (Graphic)

      2. Boarding the freighter to rescue Colby (Trust Metric)

      3. Coral the contract killer chasing Robin (Checkmate)

      4. Clay Porter, David, and Colby in the convenience store (End Game)

    13. Best Takedown Scene
      1. Gary Walker playing car polo to knock down the fleeing suspect (Robin Hood)

      2. The two women beating up Towel Guy (Graphic)

      3. Don arresting developer Richard Taylor (Breaking Point)

      4. Dwayne shooting Lancer after Lancer sticks Colby with the final needle (Trust Metric)

      5. Charlie being decked during the prisoner escort exercise (Checkmate)

      6. Don elbowing the perpetrator (Black Swan)

    14. Best Romantic or Flirty Scene
      1. Charlie and Amita double dating with Don and Liz (Thirteen)

      2. Charlie and Amita's spin kiss (Robin Hood)

      3. Megan and Larry's almost kiss (Robin Hood)

      4. Charlie making waffles for dinner for Amita and the Eppes extended family (Black Swan)

      5. Don giving Robin a box of candy watermelons (Atomic No. 33)

    15. Best Awkward Scene
      1. Colby trying to thank David for saving his life only to be rebuffed (Hollywood Homicide)

      2. Alan hinting about grandchildren to Amita while she is playing chess with Larry at CalSci (Velocity)

      3. Colby's "welcome" by Charlie and Alan at the Eppes house (Hollywood Homicide)

    16. Best Non Eppes Scene
      1. David retuning the Wooly Bugger lure to Colby (Velocity)

      2. David making sure Colby was okay after he fell of the truck (Thirteen)

      3. Megan and Colby discussing Megan's Department of Justice interrogation assignment (Thirteen)

      4. Megan finding out that David and Colby had bet on her and Larry (Chinese Box)

    17. Best David and Colby Scene
      1. David returning the Wooly Bugger fishing lure (Velocity)

      2. Bickering over the correct signs to use when interviewing a suspect (Robin Hood)

      3. Rescuing Bonnie Parks (Breaking Point)

      4. Trying to clear the air with David (Hollywood Homicide)

      5. Staking out the bar and van and running out of things to talk about (Black Swan)

season 4, nominations

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