
Mar 11, 2004 01:35

Title: Cheeks
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Miroku/Sango
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Miroku admires Sango's cheeks.
Word Count: 100


Miroku turned and stopped. The taijiya paused, and he lovingly stroked her cheek.

"Such lovely skin you have, my dear Sango," he complimented.

Sango was startled by the sudden touch upon her face and tensed before relaxing, a slight blush growing. She hoped no one else saw this. "Th-thank you, houshi," she managed to say.

"I bet they get rosy at all the right times," he said reaching his other hand out to stroke the other cheek. His mind wandered. "So soft, firm, good to grip-"

Her firm hand landed on the side of his face. "Not those cheeks, houshi."

! inuyasha, crack, miroku, sango, ~ drabble: up to 200 words, miroku/sango

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