OK, so today's been crappy quite alot, had to drag myself outta a nice warm bed at 7 to get the bus to college, had about 3 hours of lessons then tried to get something to eat but wasn't allowed in the cafe as i forgot my I.D card (The first friggin time) and it's a new rule that you have to show you I.D card about 5 times a day and i was there thinking, ok well i've been here a year and a half so you atleast recognise me by now, my bag's full of college work, i have a bus pass from my house to this college and there's about 7 teachers here that could name me but just cause i forget my I.D card once, i don't get food! So they let me give my friend some money to get me a sandwich and we went and ate somewhere else. Then i didn't have last lesson so i could go home early but i thought i'd stay around in the warm and dry for half an hour and get the bus that takes 10 minutes instead of 20+ (and has a set time to turn up rather than randomly turning up) but it must have come and gone early so i missed it and ended up getting the 20+ min bus that i would have gotten if i'd stayed for the full lesson time! Plus it aint been snowing today it's been rainning slush! And it's fecking freezing.
Ok thats the stress part of the day over with, met mum in stockport, bought a graphic book version of the amazing film 'Hero' and also got the film 'Circus' for £5.99 which is groovey, i have four words to say about this film:
Eddie. Izzard. Nudist. Beach.
(In a tastefull way
Quote of the day: I'm gonna have to cut your dick off i'm afraid. ~ Eddie Izzard as Troy in 'Circus'