Interesting weekend..fun...but I'm exausted. As you can see, my brothers band, Volscia In Arms, has a really big show coming up. 5 amazing bands, signed may I add, all in one tour, coming to Rochester, and playing with the locals. It's gonna be one great show...IM my brother..Red In Rescue if you would like tickets. Just to warn you, if you add stupid, idiotic, or anything, he will block you. PMS. And ya know, I never thought it'd come to the day where I had to fight with my brother about wearing my pants. What the hell.
So anyways, yesterday I woke up at Cassie's around 10...or something, and we went to my house around 12:30. Benson and Josh came over right after we got home..so we chilled with them for a while, watched a movie...and just hung out. Everyone left around 4:30. So I crashed..and attempted to sleep. Then I went to the movies with Joshua at 7:30. Nothing like seeing Napoleon Dynamite again. Oh yes, and we stayed for the extra scene at the end. Awesome. I got home around 11..and just..tried to sleep. Did it work? No.
Ok I'm just gonna stop talking now..because no one ever reads this or post's comments. And I might add that the entry I put before this one, just pointless.
You people better leave me some comments or I'm shutting this thing down. Please. Come on now. I better have at least 10. Bitches.