Writer's Block: Commercials: the Best and Worst

May 25, 2008 21:25

I don't usually pay much attention to the writer's block questions but there is an ad that I really love at the moment and I'm glad it's on again. It's a commercial for Quitline or whatever it's called. That service that helps people quit smoking? I love it. I think the idea (a smoker gives a common excuse for not quitting smoking (ie: "My dad smoked all his life and he lived to be 80", "I could be hit by a bus", "I'll quit, maybe next month", "Sorry, I can't quit") and then after each excuse it shows someone suffering from smoking with a line that relates to the excuse (ie: "I'm 40", "I feel like I've been run over by a truck", "They say he's got weeks, not months" and finally a doctor delivering bad news "I'm sorry.")) is really affective because it's something that someone can relate to rather than just a dissection of a smokers lung. No one gets the chance to see their own lungs but I think that people can recognise the excuses given in the commercial as things that they have said themselves, or that friends or family have given. I know I can.

As for ads that I hate... there are too many.

writer's block, commercials

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