...and by busy I mean procrastinating.
I was prompted to fiddle around with LJ again when I came across
ayame_neko's old journal (fwoar, it dates back to 2002). I know her from Second Life and discovered the journal when running a google search for Janine Hawkins second life because I wanted to send an article that had been written about her and second life to my mum. I actually created a new account back in December while lonely and listless at the family home but only ever posted one entry. I've copied that entry across to this account and back-dated it as I already have enough disused LJ accounts floating around. I'd honestly forgotten this account even existed until I was updating my school info on the account from December today.
Reacquainting myself with this site is making me miss the people who I haven't caught up with in far too long. I'm really hoping that it'll be easier to keep in touch if I'm updating here and reading about their doings. I'm not much for socialising these days even if we were all living closer but it would be nice to keep in touch. I haven't forgotten about you like I did this journal.
Being someone who delights in small details and order, I've just spend a fair chunk of time on my userpics:
- Uploading new ones.
- Updating old ones.
- Changing them around on old entries to reflect the subject matter.
Why is that all so exciting and satisfying for me?
Listing things makes me think of you,
esckey. Another list, a to do list for the rest of the day.
- Put "coloureds" load into the washing machine (it's so weird how easy it is to scrape together a load of coloured clothes these days).
- Take rubbish down to the bins.
- Clean out and reorganize "Bookmarks" list. I want them in folders and I want less of them, I can't find anything I want and I don't like it.
- Compile an online shopping (do I even do any other kind now?) wishlist and post it here. That will be two posts in one day, baby.
- Log onto
Second Life and check in with my employers, upload my work etc. I have a regular part-time (full time while on Summer break) in world now and I love it.
I need anyone who is reading this to be aware of how envious I am of Mac users solely because of iCal. As far as I can tell (as I don't have a Mac), iCal is the most wonderful thing that has ever existed. Organisational tools make me hot.