okay, everybody out of the pool

Aug 17, 2008 21:57

1) I'm not particularly interested in Michael Phelps. I generally greet any news of him with a bemused "that's cool..." Just, meh? Swimming has never been my thing. I hear he won a lot of gold medals though, so.. that's cool.

2) I've spent the entire weekend reading sgabigbang (and can I just say there were a couple of really amazing fics this year?) and watching Gene Kelly and Kung Fu movies. Which is probably the explanation behind the dream I had last night in which Gene Kelly invented Tap Dancing Kung Fu - a new form of martial arts that mostly consisted of beheading people with tap shoes. Horrible dream, incredibly bloody. Tarantino would have loved it. I however, will probably develop a phobia of tap shoes. Awesome.

3) I am very, very stressed. it's great. And by great I obviously mean geeeeeh.

4) Did I ever tell you I have a new neighbor? The apartment next door was empty for a long time but now I've some MIT alum living there. (I've never spoken to her, but I know she went to MIT - she has a bag with the logo on it. Also a shirt, pants, another shirt, flip-flops.. You get the picture.) Seems nice - and by nice I mean quiet. The neighbor on the other side (the singing one? with the girlfriend and the great love of corny 70's duets?) is moving out. I'm pretty sure at any rate, he's been moving boxes all day. This is actually the first time I've seen anything but that back of his head. He totally looks like a guy who loves Freebird.

5) I never really thought anyone could catch anything in the river that runs by my apartment, but I went walking this morning down by the river and saw this kid and his dad coming up from the bank with a fish thiiiiiiiiiiis big. I was sort of amazed, and given the way the river smells sometimes, a bit freaked out by the fact that they were probably going to eat it. You realize it's probably a mutant fish with three eyes, right? Bleh.

6) I really want to go swimming, but my apartment complex doesn't have a pool. This is just one more incentive to moving, along with (a) I live in the 'burbs and (b) the closest thing to a nightlife around my apartment is the McDonalds.

7) There's a seven somewhere, I just don't know what it is yet.

8), or what was actually 7 - they're going to come in to do the annual spray for pests thing this week. It's a complex-wide thing apparently. I haven't seen a insect or pest in my apartment but if this guarantees I never see a cockroach, ever, I'm all for preventative measures - even if it does mean I have to do spring cleaning. (God, even the idea of dusting - of any kind more than a desultory wipe-down with those pledge anti-dust wipes - puts me off.)

neighbors, the great suburban bog

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