buy the ticket, take the ride

Jun 22, 2008 23:37

I had a highly productive weekend!

Yeah, right.

Mostly I sat around and watched the West Wing while downloading every Sublime song I could find on iTunes. Oh, and I was attacked (threatened really, neither of us came to any physical harm) by an albino squirrel.

I've discovered the bane of the Washington metro experience. Tourists. To anyone, anywhere, who doesn't know this already: when riding an escalator you walk on the left, you stand on the right. Okay? because generally speaking I'm a nice person, but if you muck that up, I *am* the obnoxious bitch who pokes you in the back of the neck with one finger and says "Stand on the RIGHT, walk on the LEFT" in a loud voice.

the great suburban bog, my life is a prank i just can't prove it

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