I went to see UneXpect this friday!
Hum what else to say beyond the fact that they were perfect!!!!!
They are MAD on Cd they are worst on stage!!!! Ad that's a compliment! Someone said that madness and genius are almost the same thing.....He was probably talking about them!!! Their songs are perfect, their stage presence is perfect! I must be dement because listening to their cd is better than any drug experience you could have!!!!!!!! Imagine now live while everybody around you is also in a sort of fucked up transe!!!
The vocals, the instruments sounds better live than on cd and Leïlindel doing modern :D
I'm so proud they are from Montréal!!!!
They played the 4 songs I absolutly wanted (In velvet coffins we Slept, Vesper's Gold, Desert's Urbania, Festing Fools) and since all their song are orgasmic...:D :D :D
We had a blast
We were scared when we arrived because the show was finally only for people over 18 (majority in Québec) and Cath is only 17! She managed to enter after all so I was relived :) I met up with Sarah from Highschool while we were looking for chocolate in the stores near the venue lol. 1 year and a half since our last meeting lol! She enjoyed the show too and she thinks she's gonna come to Moonspell too!
Profugus Mortis
Profugus Mortis was great as usual but Emilie's mic was not turn on I think so I must be the only one (being in front of her) who heard her fabulous grunts! They didn't play enough for me...why were they opening for Tub Ring? Anyway they are good and I can't wait for their cd!
Oh and I still think their guitarist terry is one of the most sexiest person alive lol :)
Tub Ring was.....................ouach.......*vomit*....why is this guy showing his ass and cock......why is this guy spiting this white shit......why is he jumping like a dork.......what does screamo do in a metal show?...that was so.....pitoyable.....pathétique....dé tous les synonymes....
So beside this shit (aka Tub Ring) it was one of the best shows I've seen!!!