The Nine Rules of Being a Demon Part 2

Dec 27, 2010 12:28

Title: The Nine Rules of Being a Demon
Pairing: HaeHyuk
Minor Pairings: YeMin, ninja!HanChul
Part: 2
Rating: PG-13
Genre: romance, humor
Disclaimer: I wish
Warnings: implied sex
Summary: Being a demon is hard. Training a demon takes it to a whole new level.

6. Be evil.

“See evil, hear evil, speak evil.”

“You have to do something about your face.”

Donghae gave Eunhyuk a hurt look. “What’s wrong with my face? Many people tell me I’m very handsome. And I’ll have you know, I won a Best Outward Appearance contest a few years back.”

“You’re very handsome,” Eunhyuk reassured.

“You think so?” Donghae smiled brightly.

“No! I mean, yes! That’s not the point.” Eunhyuk rubbed his temples. “What I’m trying to say is your facial expressions are lacking.”

Donghae scrunched up his nose. “I have plenty of facial expressions.”

“But none of them scream ‘I’m evil’! Okay, there are three basic expressions that are essential to demonhood. The first is the easiest: the blank stare.”

Donghae gave Eunhyuk a blank stare. “What?”

Eunhyuk nodded frantically. “Yes! Just like that! Now make it a little meaner, more intense!”

Donghae frowned slightly. “I don’t get it.”

“Perfect.” Eunhyuk felt satisfied that Donghae got that one down so fast. “Alright, the next one is a glare.” He glared at Donghae. “Like this.”

Donghae wiggled his eyebrows in an attempt to copy Eunhyuk’s expression. “Like this?”

It took all of Eunhyuk’s many years of self-discipline to not burst out laughing. “Pretend you have laser beam eyes. Or someone took something that’s yours.”

Donghae complied with ease. “Now you’re talking my language.”

“Very good. Now the last one is the hardest: the smolder.” Eunhyuk demonstrated. “Otherwise known as the come-hither look.”

Donghae gulped visibly at Eunhyuk’s look. “This is too embarrassing!” he cried, covering his face with his hands.

“Donghae, just do it,” snapped Eunhyuk impatiently. Donghae’s head snapped up and Eunhyuk could not hold in his gasp.

It was a beyond perfect smolder. Without the younger’s usual smile, Eunhyuk could now see that Donghae had a perfect jaw line and a straight nose. Black fringe fell over brown eyes and those eyes…The usual brown was gone, replaced by an almost black color that reflected intensity, temptation, lust…

Eunhyuk’s pants suddenly felt too tight. He swallowed uncomfortably.

“Was that okay?” asked Donghae, eyes returning to normal.

“Yes, that was very good.” Eunhyuk turned and ran to his room before Donghae could see anything out of the ordinary.


“Hahaha! Oh man, that’s so funny!”

Eunhyuk glared at Sungmin, who was beside himself laughing. “Shut up. I don’t even know why I bother telling you these things.”

“Because I’m your confidant,” Sungmin chuckled, rubbing his sides, which were sore from too much laughter.

“I don’t get it,” complained Eunhyuk, propping up his chin with his hand.

“What’s there not to get? Donghae’s sexy look gave you a boner,” Sungmin pointed out frankly. “But don’t worry, I get where you’re coming from. The first time Yesung gave me a smolder, I reacted like that too.”

“Really?” Eunhyuk looked hopefully at Sungmin. “What did you do then?”

Sungmin shrugged. “Let’s just say it was a very hot night. You wouldn’t believe the things Yesung can do with his hands. And don’t get me started on his tongue…”

Eunhyuk groaned. “I don’t want to hear about your bedroom activities. I just need a solution to this problem.”

“Easy. Take him to your bed.”

“No way!”

7. Never reveal your true name.

“True names give people power over you.”

“I don’t get this thing with true names,” Donghae told Eunhyuk.

Grateful for a distraction from the loose fitting shirt that was slipping off Donghae’s shoulders, Eunhyuk launched into an explanation. “Your true name is not the name your parents give you. Everything has a true name that they are born with. No one knows their true name until they hear it accidentally. Once you do, you’ll just automatically know it is.”

Donghae cocked his head. “My true name is Donghae.”

Eunhyuk stared at his pupil. “Are you sure?”

Donghae nodded, looking slightly hesitant. “Somehow when you say it, it feels right,” he said softly, moving closer to Eunhyuk.

“You’re not supposed to tell me that,” said Eunhyuk quietly.

“It’s okay, I trust you with it.” Donghae was now directly in front of Eunhyuk, their noses nearly touching.

Eunhyuk had a hard time breathing then, but he couldn’t move away.

“Will you trust me with yours?” whispered Donghae.


“Hyukjae.” Donghae’s tongue caressed the name like it was the most precious thing in the world and more.

A chill ran up Eunhyuk’s spine and his fingertips felt tingly. Then he realized what he had just done; he had given the demon-in-training power over him.

So he did the most logical thing: he shoved Donghae away and ran in the opposite direction.


Eunhyuk pounded at the door madly.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” The door opened to reveal a very naked Sungmin. Eunhyuk could see an equally unclothed Yesung on the bed. Yesung waved happily at him, undaunted by the lack of garments.

“This had better be good,” Sungmin warned Eunhyuk.

“I told Donghae my true name,” Eunhyuk blurted out.

Sungmin’s face registered shock. “That is good.”

“I didn’t mean to!” said Eunhyuk, feeling his cool unravel. “It just slipped out.”

“And what did Donghae say?”

“I didn’t give him a chance. I pushed him away and came here.”

“You should apologize to him,” Yesung spoke up, appearing suddenly behind Sungmin.


“Now.” Yesung glared at Eunhyuk, eyes shooting to kill, and Eunhyuk gulped.

“Okay,” he said meekly. After all, it has been said that his former teacher was as, if not more, powerful than Siwon himself.

“Do the smolder, teacher,” he heard Sungmin say as he walked away.

“Hmm, I can tell it’s going to be kinky today,” he caught from Yesung.

He walked faster.

8. Take every chance that will benefit you.

“In laymen’s terms, be selfish.”

Eunhyuk knocked reluctantly at familiar double doors. Almost immediately, they swung open to reveal Donghae.

“What in the devil’s name are you wearing?” Eunhyuk yelled.

Donghae glanced down at his state of dress, or rather lack of. “Um, a towel? Does the towel not look evil enough for you?”

Eunhyuk pinched the bridge of his nose for more than one reason. “Oh, never mind that. I’m actually here to…” He paused, uncertain what to say.

“Come in first,” said Donghae, opening the door wider.

Eunhyuk stepped through the door nervously. The room was small and sparse, but it was comfortable and well kept.

“Sorry I don’t have any chairs,” Donghae apologized. “You can sit on my bed.”

Eunhyuk sat down on Donghae’s bed, staring as the younger sat down beside him.

“So,” said Donghae with his usual eye smile. “What brings the great Eunhyuk to my humble abode?”

Eunhyuk twisted his fingers together hesitantly. “I…I wanted to apologize for what I did earlier.”

Donghae raised his eyesbrows. “You mean pushing me and running away?”

Eunhyuk bowed his head in embarrassment. “Yes. I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve always followed the rules and that was the first time I went against them, in front of you no less! I’m supposed to be teaching you about the rules, not breaking them.”

Donghae smiled radiantly. “It’s okay. I think you’re a great teacher.”

“Really?” Eunhyuk looked at Donghae doubtfully.

Donghae nodded eagerly. “I remember rule number eight,” he breathed in Eunhyuk’s ear.

Eunhyuk shivered as the words ghosted over his ear. “Take every chance that will benefit you.”

“I can do that.” In one swift movement, Donghae pulled Eunhyuk’s shirt over his head and tossed it into a random corner.

“Donghae? What are you doing?” demanded Eunhuk, chilled by the sudden lack of shirt. Donghae smirked quite sexily. Eunhyuk briefly wondered where Donghae learned that particular facial expression as he felt a familiar tightening in his pants.

“Taking a chance.” Donghae pushed Eunhyuk down onto the bed.


“What do you think they are doing now?” asked Sungmin breathlessly.

“Probably working up a sweat,” Yesung chuckled, nibbling the younger demon’s neck. “Do you think it will be slow and gentle or fast and passionate?”

“Fast and passionate for sure,” laughed Sungmin, turning his head to kiss Yesung languidly on the lips. “Eunhyuk has all that built up sexual tension. The real question is who will top.”

“Donghae,” said Yesung decisively, rolling on top of Sungmin to gaze intensely into his eyes. “He’s got the right build.”

“My money is on Eunhyuk,” Sungmin shot challengingly. “He’s such a control freak.”

“You’re on,” murmured Yesung huskily. “While we wait for the results, shall we go for round three?”

“Hmm,” purred Sungmin in agreement, wrapping his legs around Yesung’s waist.

9. Never fall in love.

“The most important rule.”

Eunhyuk laid on the bed, trying to catch his breath. Donghae was beside him in a similar state. Soon, Eunhyuk felt Donghae’s arms wrap around him and the younger buried his head into Eunhyuk’s neck.

“Donghae?” whispered Eunhyuk.

“Hm?” Donghae hummed, clearly on the verge of sleep.

“Just to be clear, the sex we just had-”

Donghae shot up, staring at Eunhyuk. “It was not sex,” he insisted. “We were making love.”

“It can’t be making love if there’s no love involved,” argued Eunhyuk.

Donghae pulled Eunhyuk into a sitting position. “What are you talking about?” he asked, brown eyes so sad Eunhyuk nearly regretted bringing up the issue. “Can’t you tell that I love you?”

“But we’re demons,” he persisted anyways. “Demons aren’t supposed to love. It’s against the rules.”

“Forget about the rules,” Donghae begged, gently cupping the older demon’s face. “Just tell me if you love me.”

Eunhyuk swallowed. “I-I love you,” he confessed, feeling like he just abandoned all he ever believed in. But as Donghae pulled him in for a sweet, chaste kiss, Eunhyuk couldn’t help but feel like he had something new to believe in.


“Alright, cough it up!” crowed Heechul as they watched Eunhyuk walk by with a slight limp in his gait and one of Donghae’s hands on the small of his back.

Siwon grumbled, but eventually handed over the promised cash.

“I don’t want to be paid in cash,” Yesung told Sungmin, bedroom eyes dark with anticipation.

“I suppose I’ll just have to pay with my body, then,” said Sungmin seductively.

“Oh can it, you horn dogs,” snapped Heechul.


“I don’t know what to do,” Eunhyuk confessed. “I broke the most important rule of being a demon.

Yesung and Sungmin glanced at each other before Sungmin gestured for the older to speak.

“I don’t know what to say,” Yesung started carefully.

“Will I be demoted?” asked Eunhyuk, crestfallen.

“No,” said Yesung slowly.

Eunhyuk’s eyes widened. “You won’t make me break it off with Donghae, will you? Please don’t! Anything but that! It would break his heart.”

“You will have to dress up in a chicken costume and do the chicken dance,” Yesung stated solemnly. Sungmin elbowed him. “Ow, kidding. Actually, there’s no punishment.”

Eunhyuk stared at his former mentor in disbelief. “What? But I broke the most important rule!”

Yesung cleared his throat. “Well, you see, when Siwon and I created those rules, we weren’t intending for them to be absolute law, just general guidelines.”

“In other words, they were dead drunk,” Sungmin piped up.

Yesung shushed him. “He doesn’t need to know that.”

Eunhyuk felt as though his whole world exploded. “So we never had to follow those rules to begin with?”

Yesung nodded. “I think you were the only one that did.”

Eunhyuk slammed his forehead several times against the table before burying his head in his arms.

“Is he alright?” whispered Sungmin, poking his unresponsive friend.

“He’ll get over it,” Yesung replied reassuringly.


A/N: I never remember what I want to say in the author's note...

fanfiction, fandom: super junior, rating: pg-13, pairing: haehyuk

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