An Epic Quest to Find True Love Part 6

Dec 22, 2010 20:16

Title: An Epic Quest to Find True Love
Pairing: MinKyu
Minor Pairings: YeWook, EunHae, ninja! HanChul, even more ninja! KangTeuk
Part: 6
Rating: PG
Genre: romance, humor
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them
Warnings: cheesy pick up lines
Summary: Sungmin is banished from the land of Aegyo until he has found his one true love. He instead encounters a cowboy-esque stablehand, a Pokemon trainer, and aspiring campfire singers among others. And this is just the beginning.

“Um, Sungmin?”

Sungmin turned around to see a nervous Kyuhyun. “Yes?”

Kyuhyun sat down beside Sungmin, shoving a sleeping Eunhyuk out of the way. “About earlier…”

“With Kibum?” asked Sungmin, still a bit miffed that Kyuhyun made him worry.

Kyuhyun nodded, twiddling his fingers. “You know when you dusted him with the skewer?”

Sungmin smiled. “I was surprised you understood what I was trying to say. I think we make a great team.”

Kyuhyun bobbed his head. “Actually, I kind of, mighthaveheardwhatyousaid,” he said in a rush.

Luckily, Sungmin was used to listening to a sugar high Sunny, so he caught what Kyuhyun said. “What did I say?”

Kyuhyun turned pink. “That I’m yours,” he muttered.

Sungmin felt an unfamiliar warmth spread on his cheeks. “Oh, that. I said it in the heat of the moment. It’s slipped out. I didn’t mean it.”

“Oh,” said Kyuhyun, wilting like a flower.

“Unless you want it to mean something,” Sungmin added quickly.

Kyuhyun resembled a bobble head. “I want it to mean something.”

The two sat in awkward silence.

“I can hear crickets,” whispered Kyuhyun.

“Me too,” Sungmin agreed.

They stared at each other.

“So what does this mean?” asked Sungmin uncomfortably, not in his zone with this talk about feelings.

“I think it means I love you and you love me,” replied Kyuhyun, equally not at ease.


The quiet continued.

“Guys, I don’t know an awkward song,” said Henry from the tree above them.

“You should get Sunny to return him,” Kyuhyun growled. “He’s clearly malfunctioning.”

Sungmin chuckled. Then everything went back to discomfited silence.

“Awkward turtle,” Yesung mumbled in his sleep.

Just as Sungmin was about to suggest they go to bed, an idea struck him. “Kyuhyun!” he said excitedly.

Kyuhyun blinked at him. “Yes?”

“You be sine square, I’ll be cosine square…”

Kyuhyun’s eyes lit up and he grabbed Sungmin’s hands. “And together we’ll be one!”

They grinned at each other.


“You guys, we have an announcement to make.”

Yesung, Sungmin, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun looked at Donghae who gestured for Eunhyuk to continue.

Eunhyuk gave everyone a gummy smile, reserving the gummiest for Donghae. “We’ve been thinking about this for a while and we have finally made a choice. Even though we loved every minute of this journey, we have decided to part with you guys here.”

“What?” cried Kyuhyun in dismay. What would he do without his punching bag?

“Where are you guys going?” asked Ryeowook, slightly sad. He had grown to like the two after he ascertained neither would try to steal Yesung.

“We will continue on our path to be the very best!” Donghae said excitedly.

Eunhyuk nodded. “I want to try to be the greatest master out there. And Donghae has shown great potential. Yesterday, he caught a Magikarp with his bare hands!”

“He does know a Magikarp is useless right?” Kyuhyun muttered to Sungmin.

Yesung rubbed both of their philtrums. “I’ll miss your philtrums.”

Ryeowook hugged both tightly. “Take care.”

Kyuhyun kicked Eunhyuk, twice for good measure. “Good luck,” he said to Donghae. “You’ll need it.”

Sungmin smiled at the pair. “Have fun.”

Eunhyuk returned the smile. “Sungmin, you know, you’ve changed a lot since I first met you. You’re no longer the cold, uncaring person you were.”

Donghae tilted his head. “Kyuhyun’s love had melted your ice cold heart into a spring of love,” he sighed. “How romantic.”

“You guys can leave now,” muttered Sungmin, shoving them onto the path.

“Bye!” they all shouted, waving until the two lovebirds were out of sight.

The remaining four turned back to stare at each other.

“What now?” Ryeowook wondered out loud.

“Sungmin, you can go back to Aegyo now that you’ve completed your epic quest to find true love, right?” asked Yesung.

Sungmin squeezed Kyuhyun’s hand. “Yes.”

“Well, I guess this is goodbye then,” said Ryeowook, looking sentimental.

“Wookie and I are going to fulfill our sudden desire to be campfire singers,” Yesung informed them. “So maybe we’ll see you around.”

Hugs were exchanged and the two pairs parted.

“Sungmin,” said Kyuhyun as they began their long trek back to Aegyo.


Kyuhyun pulled his cowboy hat over his eyes. “I may be wrong in my assumption, but I thought you kind of wanted to go with them.”

Sungmin halted in surprise. “You noticed?”

Kyuhyun nodded. “You could’ve gone with them if you wanted.”

Sungmin hesitated. “But what about going home? That was the only reason I came on this epic quest to find true love.”

Kyuhyun shrugged. “It’s up to you, but personally, I’m kind of curious about a career as campfire singers.”

Sungmin felt a smile slowly spread across his face. “More time away from Sunny could be good for my sanity,” he admitted. He took Kyuhyun’s hand. “Do you think we can catch up with them?”

Kyuhyun beamed at him. “Shall we?”

Luckily, Sungmin was the star of his high school cross country team. Unfortunately, Kyuhyun was the star of his high school math team.

“Sungmin,” he wheezed. “I can’t run anymore.”

“I knew it,” murmured a familiar voice. They looked up to see Yesung and Ryeowook, smiling at them. “I told you they would come back, Wookie. Who could resist the chance to be a campfire singer?”

“If they’re going to join us, don’t you think we should have a name?” mused Ryeowook.

“Starcraft,” Kyuhyun replied immediately, miraculously regaining his breath.

“How about Super Junior?” suggested Yesung.

“KRYS,” Ryeowook added. “For our initials.”

“That’s lame,” Kyuhyun sneered. “Starcraft is a much better name.”

“Super Junior KRYS,” said Sungmin, trying the name out. “It has a nice ring to it.”

“Super Junior KRYS is the best name.” Despite his words, Kyuhyun still made a face. Sungmin laughed.

Here in the middle of some forest with his friends and one true love, Sungmin never felt warmer in his life (not including the time Sunny decided it was a good idea to make chicken flambé. She proceeded to make castle flambé instead).

“What are you laughing at?” grumbled Kyuhyun.

“My love for you is like a concave up function, because it is always increasing,” Sungmin told Kyuhyun.

“I’ve got e=mc^2 tattooed on my backside,” said Kyuhyun seductively. “Let me prove it to you.” Sungmin smirked and pulled him in for a kiss.

“I think I preferred it when Sungmin had the personality of a cold, block of ice,” Yesung said to Ryeowook as they watched the couple tongue wrestle. Ryeowook nodded in agreement.


A/N:  That's it! I apologize if the ending seemed a bit abrupt, but I kind of ran out of steam (and time). I've been feeling really EunHae deprived lately so I wanted to post this fast so I can post up my EunHae fics. Anywho, thank you for sticking with Sungmin's epic quest for this long!

fanfiction, rating: pg, pairing: minkyu, fandom: super junior

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