I felt myself slip away from God. Watched the devils advocate, seek to woo me, sway me to their cause. It's a little scary, if you think about it, the passionate need to belong to someone.
Vanity is what it is.
So the world lost its magick. Or maybe you lost your mojo. You took off the rose-coloured glasses to see grey, to not see at all. Synapse to synapse, the connection between neurons with experience, the burnt feeling of your tongue,
appropriately chastised. There are no words for your
Sanctum espiritus redeem us from our solemn hour
Shedding stars of all their glory, their shining glory.
But fear not..Saving the world is just one service I offer. Still..I am curious. A diamond-toothed wire to the throat for your thoughts on the subject. Scrawl on your napkins. Have you ever named yourself~ ♪?
Imagine if you slipped off a roof. You would fly a long way. I would be so sorry that I would eat myself. All over I would just be bones, bones, bones, and I would look weird. So then what? Of course I'll help. Give me your tired, your poor huddled masses yearning to be free.. suffer such mortals to come unto me.
My offer stands. and is open to any of you. Excepting
you. You always were
a bore. Your
master drives this cement truck around to fill up your anus with concrete. Kittens, by default, make everything adorable..including this.
The train is late, and it is cold.