Title: Doomed to be star-crossed lovers.
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: David Rossi
Prompt: 060. Lonely.
Word Count: 539
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers I guess for season 5 episode 3. xD
Summary: Dave recalls “the one that got away”
“I should have married her...” the words had slipped off his tongue before he’d had the chance to review them. It wasn’t like they were a lie, but it was something he’d not told anyone before. But Hotch had seemed to understand. Now instead of being sat on the jet, surrounded by the people he considered family, he was sat upon his empty double-bed. Lights off and not a single sound in the house apart from the odd metallic click that seemed to come from somewhere he couldn’t identify.
The small gold chain slipped through his fingers as he kept the open locket in his palm. The young black-haired, blue-eyed, woman looked directly back at him. Her smile caught in time, even if the photo was grainy. But she wasn’t smiling for him, not in this picture. She was smiling for the man who’d had the balls to ask her to marry him, even if in the long-run he’d turned out to be a coward. He’d made her smile - so many times he’d lost count.
At just twelve she’d stolen his heart, and he’d vowed to love her for the rest of his life - he didn’t know then that’d his life would be sans her. “Doomed to be star-crossed lovers” he said with a small chuckle as tears bit at the corners of his eyes. “... Always doomed to wonder what could have been” he said sourly; now knowing how true her words had been.
He’d loved his past wives; at one point or another. But not like he’d loved her. With her love had always come easy, sure they’d fight, but she never held anything he’d said against him. With his wives it’d always been hard work, the beginning was always glorious; filled with all the firsts. The middle was never very good; filled with the fights and the shouting. The end was the worst; filled with the divorce lawyers that he’d come to consider as close friends.
A small tear slid down the side of his face before dripping onto the photo. This had been the first time he’d let himself cry in years - the last time being when Emma had died. “I’d of been accepted there...” he said softly. “-Who am I kidding? I was just being a big, fat coward!” David corrected bitterly. “God I miss you” he whispered gently wiping his tear from her face.
The low buzzing of his phone caused him to hesitate for a second. He could go in, act normally and pretend that the case hadn’t affected him - or he could just screen the call, pretend he’d not heard it. Aaron would understand - but he’d not forgive himself. He gently closed the locket before sliding it into his pocket and picking his phone up.
“SSA Rossi” he greeted, forcing the weakness in his voice out. He listened to JJ for a couple minutes, all the while slipping the locket through his fingers in his pocket, before speaking. “Okay. I’ll be there in five” he paused for a moment. “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired” he lied.
The screaming of children had haunted him for twenty years. Emma was going to haunt him for life - with the constant question of ‘what if?’