The How and the Why (Gen)

May 19, 2012 13:39

Title: The How and the Why
Characters: John, Sherlock, OFC, Molly
Rating: Gen
Length: 1000 words
Summary: Sherlock returns, but things will never be the same.
Notes: I wrote this ficlet a while ago for the meme, and just stumbled across it again in my docs folder. Not my favorite work, but I love the song so hey... Originally written for this prompt on ( Read more... )

sherlock bbc, hurt/comfort, friendship, post-reichenbach

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Comments 9

trista_zevkia May 20 2012, 05:35:55 UTC
beautifully done! John just soldiering through Sherlock's big reveal, and forgiving him eventually. Made me want to cry and then I smiled. =)


numberthescars May 21 2012, 12:21:46 UTC
Aww, thank you! Not my favorite piece of writing, but I'm glad you liked it. I had the idea of Sherlock returning and John being married stuck in my head for ages, so this sort of aired it out. Wow, I may actually post this to a comm now...I wasn't planning to, but you've given me some confidence!


holyfant May 21 2012, 13:26:45 UTC
Lovely. I love how understated it is; no fanfare, no big moment, and the perfect way in which John forgives him somewhere along the way, off-screen, and Sherlock doesn't completely understand that. John and Mary naming their child Sherlock - perfect. Painful, perfect.

This line was gorgeous: "He has always been the one with too many words that say too little."

Beautiful :)


numberthescars May 21 2012, 21:39:22 UTC
I don't know what to say, so many sweet compliments. *blushes* Thank you so much. ^.^


sabrinaphynn May 21 2012, 14:05:31 UTC
*mems immediately*
Such a quietly understated slice of life of both of our boys. Also, "Gravity" is one of my very favorite songs, ever.


numberthescars May 21 2012, 21:40:31 UTC
Thank you for memming! I'm so happy to hear you liked this. The song really is beautiful and I think it fits the events of TRF really well. I wonder if anyone's used it in a fanvid?


sabrinaphynn May 21 2012, 23:18:10 UTC
Hmmmm... I am sure I've asked before, but it IS Monday... I may have to ask over at the MMaM thread...


mazaher May 21 2012, 18:15:47 UTC
Yes, the laugh. Yes. Thank you.


numberthescars May 21 2012, 21:41:37 UTC
Thank you for reading! Yes, I can't imagine John truly forgiving Sherlock with anything other than a laugh.


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