Title: Bedtime Invasion
Characters: John, Sherlock
Length: 100 words
Rating: Gen
Notes: Drabble for week 5 of
sherlock_ldws, written for the prompt "trespass." Inspired by
this adorable picture by ktshy.
Cold. Something cold was pressing against his calves, creeping up under his pajama bottoms. John shivered sleepily and shifted away from the source of the discomfort, but it followed him across the bed. He groaned, pulling the blankets tighter, determined to ignore it.
The cold continued to travel upward, past his knees, walking up his thighs and over his behind, until-
"Arg!" John's eyes snapped open, and he glared over his shoulder. "Sherlock, what are you doing?"
Sherlock was bent nearly double, his legs perpendicular to John's torso. John was grudgingly impressed by his flexibility.
"My feet were cold."