Titular Troubles (Gen)

Jun 24, 2012 12:35

Title: Titular Troubles
Characters: John, Sherlock
Rating: Gen
Length: 100 words
Notes: Drabble for week 4 of sherlock_ldws, written for the prompt "conspiracy." This takes place right after THOB.

"'The Adventure of the Five Conspiracies'?" Sherlock leaned over John's shoulder, frowning at the blog title. "Why?"

"Well, there were five," John explained. "First, the conspiracy of the glowing rabbit. Second, the innkeepers' hound. Third, you tricking me in the lab. Fourth, H.O.U.N.D."

"Fifth, Mycroft sending Lestrade to spy on me," Sherlock added, pouting.

"Okay, 'Six Conspiracies', then."

"What's the sixth?" Sherlock asked, leaning down farther to nuzzle John's neck.

John had his suspicions. Wasn't it strange that the only room available had been one with a double bed? But...

"Maybe 'The Hounds of Baskerville' would be better, after all."

sherlock bbc, john/sherlock, drabble, fluff

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