When a Final Exam is actually a final exam

May 10, 2006 02:09

Tonight is oddly emotional for me. Not emo-tional, but rather happy anticipation emotional. I'm miserable with my time, the quintessential procrastinator and I always have been. As such, I've pulled my share of all nighters in my college career.

And here I am again. One final exam left, one all nighter left. My last all-nighter.

I can't put it in words yet, but I'll try sometime soon here. The closest I can come to it at the moment is that I feel like a caged bird about to be let free. I've flown before, and I've crashed before; but for the first time I feel ready to fly. Trained to fly. Free to fly. Not a thing in the world holding me down or back now that the crushing burden of school combined with my work week are so very nearly behind me. I was trying to remember the last time I had a day off, a real day off. For the last 5 years the closest I've come is when I have either work or school and not work and school.

Who knows how I'll do, how things will go. But I do know this: I'M FINALLY FREAKING DONE! (well almost! stupid chemistry final... :)
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