Oct 23, 2004 10:54
go sophomores!!!!!!! our float won!!!! (in the homecoming parade)
I'm so happy. For those who don't know, the reason why i haven't been around much the past week is because of this FLOAT!!!!! going to work on it for a couple of hours everyday really paid off. I was there until like 10 on thursday. Thank god the teachers we easy on the homework this weekend! And we won. Our class was always named as the least active, but now... TAKE THAT MONKEYS. We worked our bottoms off for our precious float. It was a hansel and gretel theme, and it was uber cute. We had a giant gingerbread house with a purdy roof, awesome windows, a picket fence, AND A SMOKE MACHINE! i thought trenton was gonna kill himself the way he was in the house forever trying to get the smoke machine work. o.o;;; But it turned out awesome.
After homecoming i went to sara's house, and rather than doing regular sleep over stuff... i slept. I was so tired. I haven't slept properly in weeks. Then slept like 10 hrs last night. so nice. :)
We didn't do much at school yesterday. It was kinda cool. Actually in Physics we haven't done stuff stuff in a while. We're making rockets. THEY ARE SOOOOOO awesome. ^_^ The assembly was kinda dumb though. The concert that i made ya'll vote for was kinda dumb. No one could see except for like 10 people up in the front. It was crazy. >_< I think that she shouldn't just stood in the middle and then everyone stayed in their seats. Oh well. If she ever becomes famous... i SO was up in the front.
School during the week was blah. Even though i didn't get much homework, it was stressful because of the float. And i definitely did bomb the APUSH test. Kinda shows the more you stress out the worse you do. From now on, i'm gonna take life a little more lightly. Hmmmmm. *strokes chin*
tonight better be fun.