Dec 12, 2009 21:39
Like, a year ago, a professor of mine who is very old and very scatterbrained and very boring, but nonetheless nice, gave me an incomplete in a class. FOR NO REASON.
I mean, really. I turned in like one essay, and he liked the way I wrote, and basically wrote to me saying, "Hi, I like the way you write, but you got some details wrong, and this is the ONLY thing I have from you." And then I noticed I had an I in the class. Purely based on giving me a second chance, apparently.
So, of course, I procrastinated this essay for a year. He told me that if I re-did it and turned in another one, I'd have a shot at a B. A B! wtf.
So I waited 6 months before I even bought the movies (foreign films) I had to write on. Then I waited until I had like a week left before the Incomplete turned into an F.
BUT I FINISHED THE ESSAY, Y'ALL. I turned it in asap, and was all, "I have another one where that came from, if you want it!" At this point, I just want a passing grade, so if he's in shock and awe that I actually turned something in and passes me with a D, I'm fucking fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine with that. I just want a grade so I can graduate, y'hear??