new year, new shindig(!)

Dec 29, 2006 17:38

Sharon's roommates are out of town. Lily is back from the West Coast.

They have a whole apartment full of empty space for you to dance, drink & merry it up for the New Year.

Otherwise known as: The Costume Party Costume Party*

Yes, it's true--this is indeed a masquerade! Come as your favorite 90's grunge star, your most beloved dictator, your mom, your cat, bill nye the science guy or a really big piece of sushi--really, go fly a kite with your imagination!

How could you dane, dream or delude yourself into thinking you'd want to be anywhere else when the clock strikes midnight?

Hosted By:
sharon & lily pad

Sunday Dec 31, 2006
at 8:00 PM until FOREVER!

casa de sharon (y lily)
81 olive st., apt. #8
brooklyn, NY 11211

*From the folks who brought you the MSCL Brunch & the New Year's Around the World of 2005.

**bring as many buddies(&booze) as your little heart can find**

For more info go here:
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