at work cannot concentrate on anything but hot skin too many clothes sitting at desk want to be in cold water or near calm breeze under some love&affection not fluorescent lights.
at least i have the most crunchycool cucumbers (organic & from the first batch of my local
CSA!) to eat for lunch.
also cannot stop thinking about grad schools, the blue post-it tails sticking out in multiples along the fore-edges or stuck into the gutters (yeah, that book binding comes in handy sometimes!). purchasing two books on mfa programs was supposed to make this process easier, not head-ache inducing.
i just want: to write, to be given time to write, a community of other writers who want to support each other while maintaining a healthy level of competition to keep me fresh, not to take the GRE's (as they will prove absolutely nothing about my ability to construct a creative masterpiece or at least a little ditty with some poetics), funding funding funding, professors who believe in their students and don't view teaching as a "chore" or a "consequence" or a "chance to produce a mini-me-poet", to live somewhere that inspires me & calms me & pushes me & doesn't give me emotional belly-ache.
i guess "just" isn't quite accurate in my heart of wants.