Application, cont. [OOC]

May 06, 2009 01:35

Please give us a detailed description of your character's personality:  Sho is a complex character, not in the sense that he’s extremely deep and layered, not to say he isn’t, but in the fact that he’s a bit of a maniac, if not outright crazy, full of contradictions and odd combinations. First and foremost, Sho is an individual; he only takes orders when absolutely necessary (and considering his desire to usurp the Composer, not even then) and rarely works well with others; as noted by Konishi, he scores a 0 in teamwork despite excelling in all other areas. A rogue and a renegade, Sho rails against the rules of society and strives to only do things in his own way according to his own set of aesthetics, by himself, if at all possible. His oft-spouted opinion is, “The world is garbage”, showing his disdain for all things not his own.
The contradictions lie in his methods; on the one hand, he is a math-maniac. He spouts mathematical terms and formulas at every opportunity, defining the world in terms of factors and exponents, things to be divided and subtracted. He often talks in numeric metaphor, such as “solving for [his] desired solution”, or more often just replaces normal turns of phrase with more mathematical terms, such as “You’re out of your vector” or “Who gives a digit?”. He also displays a love for physics and SI units, as shown in his two most well known and often used quotes, “You hectopascal!” (a unit of pressure) and “So zetta slow” (the SI prefix for 1021; he applies this as an adverb meaning “very”).

On the other hand, Sho is an artist; while his mathematical obsession would lead one to think he’d be a firm believer in logic and rules, he’s an advocate of chaos and anarchy. He believes in breaking up monotony and creating beauty, though his concept of “beauty” is very different from the mainstream concept (and Sho wouldn’t have it any other way). He often asks, “Where’s your beauty?” when ridiculing the ideas or efforts of others. In his attempts to make Shibuya more beautiful, he often leaves enormous piles of junk, made of anything in the area, such as cars, streetlights, garbage cans, newspaper boxes and vending machines, calling it “art”. Often these are also adorned with esoteric, if not outright unintelligible, messages proclaiming his own greatness, such as “Any tree can drop an apple. I'll drop the freaking moon”, basically saying that he’s better than gravity.

Which brings us to another part of his personality, Sho’s overwhelming pride and arrogance, bordering out outright egomania. This is present in almost everything he says and does; he works by himself because he thinks that he’s the best and working with others would only slow him down. He makes junk heaps with epitaphs stating him to be more powerful than various aspects of physics. He follows no man’s rules because he’s above the rules. The world is garbage because he’s not the one who made it. He refers to others as hectopascals, a unit for measuring minute air pressures, yoctograms, a unit of weight small enough for paramecium, and binomials, a polynomial with only two terms. He enjoys harassing others and their disabilities, mocking their faults and errors and their inability to see his genius and the beauty he creates. He rarely sees value in anything not his own and even more rarely sees flaws in what is his.

Of course, it is warranted to a degree; as the youngest Officer in Reaper history and an absolute genius with undeniable results, how could he not get a bit of an ego? Chaotic and unpredictable, Sho is extremely dangerous in his intelligence and skills and that few can tell what he’s up to. However, one predictable thing to know is what side he’s on: his own.  He’s not exactly ruthless, but he will certainly do what it takes to achieve his goals, easy enough when he sees no value in anyone other than himself, so making sacrifices of others is no problem.  The methods don’t matter, just that you have the right answer at the end. A good example of this is his use of Taboo Noise to try and win Week 2 and eliminate Joshua, despite its forbidden status and the havoc it wreaks on Shibuya, taking out Players and Reapers alike.

Both an artist and a mathematician, Sho feels little need to reconcile his glaring contradiction of philosophies in light of his obvious genius, so he follows both his head and his heart. On such a twisted path, he ends up in strange places indeed, though all of it is angled towards one goal: eliminating the Composer and ruling Shibuya, remodeling it in his own vision of mathematically chaotic beauty.

Please give us a detailed physical description of your character: Sho Minamimoto is a young man of medium build with somewhat sharp features, charcoal gray hair and golden-yellow eyes, like a cat or lion, corresponding to his noise form, Leo Cantus. There are a few whisker-like scratches on his cheek, but these are mostly hidden by his wildly spiky hair that shoots out from under his hat. He wears a black baseball cap adorned with metal pins over a red bandana. He has a black jacket over his bare chest, open at the collar enough to show a metal necklace. His gray pants sport numerous rips and are tucked into black boots. A glove-like black tattoo covers his left arm from halfway up his forearm down, a result of his fiddling with Taboo Noise. A metal and black leather bracelet adorns his right arm. He is rarely seen without his megaphone, a blue thing with a black handle and white cord strap hanging off it which he uses to yell at anyone and everyone.
His noise form is that of a giant, bipedal steel-gray lion called Leo Cantus, its color denoting it as a Taboo Noise. Leo Cantus stands probably ten to thirteen feet tall. It is tattoo from the waist down.

After his Taboo revival, Sho appears taller, more muscular and with much more of his body covered in the Taboo tattoo, as it now extends over both arms and across his chest. His clothes are also ripped up and his familiar hat and bandana are gone.

What point in time are you taking your character from when he/she appears at Landel's?:  Sho will be taken from the end of Week 2, right after he used the Level i Flare on Joshua and Neku. He will have died, expecting to reincarnate back into Shibuya through the Taboo Noise Refinery Sigil he made, but will instead wake up in Landel’s. His appearance will be as it was in Week 2.

What kinds of magical/special/crazy powers does your character have, if any?: As Reaper, Sho has a number of powers. He is able to summon and control noise, as well as fight in the UG, covering both Noise dimensions as necessary. His fighting style is mostly summoning noise, but he can throw some punches of his own along with energy blasts and can teleport at will. He can also shift between the UG and RG, though in the RG he loses his other reaper powers. As an Officer and Game Master, Sho was able to set missions. Sho himself is also able to summon and control Taboo Noise, and has knowledge of how to manufacture Taboo Noise Refinery Sigils for the creation of such Noise. As something of a genius, he’s also able to create new Pins and Psyches, such as his Level i Flare, thanks to his high Imagination.

As an officer, he is able to change fully over to a Noise form, Leo Cantus. Sho absorbs nearby Taboo Noise and transforms into a monstrous bipedal Taboo lion, capable of crushing blows and devastating kicks, with quick movement and short-range teleportation abilities, including into the air to knock down flying or jumping opponents.

In his Taboo Revival form, Sho does not transform, and instead just attacks on his own with heavy handed blows and explosions of energy.

If present, how do you plan to tweak those powers to make him/her appropriately hindered in the setting of Landel's?: Sho’s only advantage in Landel’s will be his partly-Tabooed-up left arm. It will share some abilities of Taboo noise, namely damage resistance, though only moderately so for Sho, and enhanced strength. He’ll be able to concentrate more power into it to further the Taboo process on it, making it fairly decent to block with and able to deliver strong blows, but nothing too inhuman, but this will be rather tiring for him. So, basically a normal guy with a stronger-than usual (for someone of his size) left arm.

Does your character have any other non-magical skills or abilities that we should know about?: He’s a crazy genius? He’s memorized π to the 156th digit.


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