Jan 06, 2007 16:39
i don't know what to do. i wish i could draw or something. i'm so bored i can't even play FFXii.(what to write about?) yesterday after anime club, i went to baker's with brii and magon (sorry if i mispell T_T) and then we went to meg's house and i proceded to steal music from her(THANX AGAIN) and from there i was kidnapped by kyle, jon, and mickey. we went to starbucks and then to kyle's and talked about a very interasting subject (too personal for LJ). and then i went home and watched Akira for the first time ever (MOST DEFFENATLY AWESOME!) and i watched Afro Samuri with Sammuel L. jackson as the vocie of afro. it was very cool. lots of blood. ummmmmmmmm i don't know what else to write.