So much has happened since my last entry that I don't even know where to start.
I quit my job. Yup, sounds stupid, but really it's not. I had grown to really dislike that job, and I plan on attending grad school next year. I'm currently volunteering on the Community Accountability Board in Lakewood. It's a fucking rad position. For first time juvenile offenders (misdemeanor offenses such as theft, vandalism, mischief, etc) who do not want to get all caught up in the court system, then decide to go into the Diversion Program. So they come and speak with our panel made up of three volunteers, who hear their side of the story, and taking into account their attitude, what consequences have already been given, and other personal factors, we assign them things such as community service, attending classes, curfews, restitution, etc. It's a really awesome program, and I feel so lucky to be a part of it.
I figure this position will provide me with plenty of schmoes who can give me letters of recommendations, which I will be needing in the next month. For grad school. I sure hope that I get accepted. I'm applying to three different schools in my area. I hope to get into UPS mainly because it's closer to home. Second choice, UW of course. I'm all signed up to take my GRE next month, which I am definitely not looking forward to. I need to study. I hate studying. Bleh. My app deadlines are in mid-December, and I'm sure I'll start freaking out over that when it gets closer to that time.
So the job situation. Yea, I need one. I still have bills to pay after all. But I'm looking for something part-time, and something fun. I have no clue where I'd like to work though. I'm actually not too concerned at the moment. I plan on taking time off until after I take my GRE anyway. I got some money saved up that will more than get me through the next month.
Well, for over three months now I have been dating this dude named Darrick. Things are going really well too. I absolutely love being around him. He makes me laugh, and smile, and we have such a good time together. I feel like I'm really falling for him, and that's pretty fucking scary. The last time that happened, things didn't turn out so well. I've met his family, and he's met mine, which I really didn't want to happen as soon as it did. But that's the way shit goes sometimes. Anyway, we're going to a Halloween party at the end of the month. He's going to be a doctor, and me a nurse. Gothic style. Here's what I'm wearing: And here's the shoes: Pretty sweet eh? I'm getting a mini that is a bit longer though, I don't think it would be too appropriate to have my ass all hanging out. But yea, he rocks, and I'm glad to have met him, and to be with him.
What else. Oh yea, a few weeks ago I went to Vegas. Good times. Saw some cool shit. Did some cool shit. Nuff said.
OH YEA!!! And We Love Katamari came out. If you don't have that game, you better go get it. Now. It's so sweet. I've spent far too much time playing that game. And you know what? I have no plans of stopping either. Oh, and I saw Advent Children. Which was fucking awesome.
And I'm actually pretty happy with life right now.