"You want to be regarded as an exiting and interesting personality able to persuade others to comply with your beliefs and ideas. You are charming and able to influence other people who come into your sphere of influence. You like mental stimulation and you are the sort of person who is prepared to "try anything once". Your confidence is so much so that others are often swept away by your enthusiasm.
You are trying to improve your position and prestige, be it in your life or in your workplace.. Things are, at this time, OK. But they could be better. You feel that it is essential that you breakdown any opposition that could possibly lurk in the shadows ... You know that you are quite capable of achieving this set goal because you have to and because it is essential to your self esteem.
You are very demanding ... and insisting on total involvement ..but you do not reciprocate with the same depth of feeling. However, it could well be that maybe an unprecedented surprise is awaiting you in the near future ... for just as one, whilst paddling in the sea, could flounder into a whirlpool, so you may be drawn into a loving situation that has high emotional demands and you could well respond with a depth emotion that you never even dreamed that you possessed...
You are an emotional, sincere and impressionable individual experiencing frustration and unnecessary stress...You vehemently resist any form of pressure from outside sources, insisting on your independence as an individual. You want to be a decision maker - to make up your own mind without interference. You wish to be able to draw your own conclusions and arrive at your own decisions. You detest uniformity and mediocrity, as you want to be regarded as one who gives authoritative opinions. Your favourite expression could well be "That I may not always be right but I am never wrong". You're a perfectionist and even though you may feel that the other persons point of view may be right you find it extremely difficult to admit that you could be wrong...
You are greatly impressed by individuality and have interest in people who have outstanding qualities. You try to imitate those people that you admire and their characteristics, hoping that you will be able to display similar qualities in your own personality."
colorgenics.com ;)