ahhhhhhhhhhh i'm a murderer!!!

Jan 22, 2002 17:55

i killed my brother's plant today. :( i can't believe it, i feel so bad, i don't even know how to put it into words. i mean, this thing was his baby!! and well see, it was all hunched over leaning toward the window, so i decided to rotate it so it would stand up straighter. and then i'm just sitting at the computer and BOOM!!!! it hits the floor. hard. :( i ran downstairs and bandaged it up with some tape and put all new soil in the pot, because most of it fell out. so then i put it in my kitchen, leaned against a cabinet, and made a few frantic phone calls. then zack took me to the home depot ((thanks!!)) where i purchased a new amarillus(<---sp??), a white tulip plant, a jade plant, and this fuzzy-cactus-plantwithnoname plant. i hope he's not too mad. :( eeeeeeek.

and yeah, i've decided to start using this livejournal thing, because, well, it's time. heh

anywho, i should really go finish cramming. man scale english kicks my ass.
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