Jan 22, 2006 00:12
Checked myself out of hospital this evening. Had enough, I had.
The operation for the hernia went of okay, all things considered (they wouldn't let me take photos, the bounders). Very weird sensation, losing the whole bottom half of your body to anaesthetic. Also most surreal to discuss cricket with a chap who's up to his elbows in ones intestines and other such stuff.
It took me about three hours to rediscover my toes, and that's when the agony started. Didn't stop for nearly thirty hours. They couldn't give me the traditional blockbuster pain killers because of my lack of reserves in the lung compartment. Anyway, it's all over now and the pain is manageable with good ole paracetamol.
So unless you want a list of new drugs that I've been playing with, that's all the news I've got for you.
Oh, I did manage to finish Rushdie's latest effort, Shalimar the clown. Quite good really, but nothing will ever touch Midnight's Children for pure literary genius.