Jun 26, 2006 13:05
70 Odd Questions:
1 What is your middle name:
2 What color is your mailbox:
Silver?? It's like the dorm style mailboxes except now being in the apartments and I'm special, so I have a key instead of a combination.
3 Last time you kissed someone:
Sunday at about 10:04 am :-(
4 Have you ever hit a deer:
no, thank god.
5 Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?
not here in Buffalo, but when I go home to Albany I go over the Normanskill Bridge.
6 Do you get the paper delivered to your house in the morning:
no, in Albany we get the Times-Union though.
7 Who checks the mail in your house?
it's a keyed box - me
8 Do you have a small driveway:
ok this is a gay survey.. I have a parking lot
9 Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you:
I was at work and someone had my default ringer - Santeria stupid tone kind
10 What do you do first in the morning?
look at the clock and figure out how long I have before I have to go to work or class
11 What brand is your printer?
12 Do you enjoy fighting with people:
13 Is your hair naturally straight or curly:
very straight
14 Who was your kindergarten teacher:
I don't remember, I got her fired :-)
15 Are you taller than your mother?
16 Do you have a favorite word:
probably fuck or something
17 Are you god?
um, no
18 What do you do to get over a broken heart?
I don't know what I would do now.. probably cry and hang out with the Betas.
19 Do you have a deep dark secret:
20 Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?
sure, but I like blue the best
21 Does anything hurt on your body right now:
my thigh, because the cat decided it would be cool to climb me
22 Do you often cry during movies:
not really, but sometimes
23 Do you hate your life:
right now? pretty much.
24 Do you get mad easily?:
not mad, but I get jealous easily
25 Do you drink to get drunk:
if it's a party, but if I'm just sitting around with Jer we usually each have one or two and chill out
26 What is your biggest pet peeve:
right now - stupid bitches that don't know how to do their jobs and are really annoying
27 What is your away message:
cleaning the apartment - even though I was done with that an hour or so ago
28 Do any of your friends have kids:
yeah, weird.
29 Who should pay on the first date:
whoever has more money
30 How many years older than you are you willing to date?
no more than four
31 Do you have any friends:
yeah, except none of them are around right now!
32 Do you have any mean friends:
not really, except when I want to go home and they leave me stranded downtown >:O
33 What is the ugliest color in your opinion:
I don't know
34 Have you ever liked someone who all your friends couldn't stand:
pretty much right now, but that's because even today after exactly 10 months none of them have given him a chance to be their friend
35 Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff?
once in a while
36 Have you ever been fired from a job:
37 What year was your house built:
I have no idea
38 When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed:
I slept on the pull out in Jeremy's basement Saturday night
39 What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now:
I'm not wearing pants, I was about to get in the shower.
40 How tall are you:
41 What is the closest green object:
a pen and a chip clip
42 What is on your feet:
43 Do you want to have kids?:
44 what time is it?
1:19 pm
45 Who is the last person (friend you have) who you would ever expect to be gay?
my boyfriend
46 Whats your mothers middle name?
47 Stupidest movie you ever saw:
48 Do you collect comic books:
49 Do you look like your dad:
actually, yes a bit
50 Do you have any TV shows on DVD:
you are going to laugh - seasons 1 and 2 of simple life... for $5.50 each I couldn't resist, I love it.
51 Are you wearing makeup:
52 Do you have a tattoo:
53 Are you happily in love:
54 You win the lottery you:
buy a car, pay off my student loans, maybe pay off my mom's house, invest in something really safe and buy presents for my friends
55 How many pairs of underwear do you have?
a lot
56 Is there something you want to tell someone, but you haven't?
there's a lot of things I'd like to say to people but don't
57 Do you know how to draw:
58 Who is your hero:
my grandma
59 Who'd you last IM:
60 Do you work a lot of hours?
this week I only have like thirty, but I have my final and final review for my class too
61 What do you do when you are majorly stressed out?
62 Who was the last person that called you?
fran, but I didn't answer because I'm tired and want to shower, nap, and eat before I go to work
63 Is there anything you regret?
not really
64 Do you know where your family name originated from?
65 Is there any animal that creeps you out?
yeah, but I can't think of any specific one
66. how many pets do you have?
two - stormy katter and new baby porkchop
67. what is your favorite brand of underwear?
depends.. usually anything Victoria's Secret PINK!
68. How many tv's are in your house?
in my house at home - 4, here... 3 right now? I'm not sure.
69. What is your favorite fast food place?
Wendy's or BK
70. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I like Aubry's answer - "Happy."