Aug 27, 2005 02:50
i sat there in kayleighs driveway. leaning up against a 1990 piece of crap volkswagon looking at the sky and thinking with her head resting on my shoulder, eyes closed and nearly asleep. we sat there after somewhat of an argument, and i was taking in the moment- enjoying the fact that no matter how angry i get or wreckless i become when i dont get my way, she always puts up with it. it makes me feel bad and makes me want to change. ive learned so much from her.
i had one of those snapshot moments in time, and i started thinking...
if any of us ever sees 1% of what this world has to offer, we will have experienced 1000 times more than any other human ever has or ever will..
and that right now. at the moment who ever you are is reading this, just like at the moment i started thinking about it in K's driveway,
someone is having the most fun in their lives,
someone is at a concert, plugging her ears because the music is so loud.
someone is about to try his first sip of alcohol
someone is fighting for his life
a girl somewhere is about to fall in love for the first time
a kid is learning how to ride a bike for the first time.
someone somewhere has a gun to his head, and is about to die- and is thinking his final thought
someone is being concieved
someone realized she had been lied to for too long and has finally decided to stand up for herself
someone has just smiled for the first time in weeks.
two people just met eachother and have no idea they will be married some day
a child just defeated cancer
a man just got pulled over, is about to get a DUI, and would do anything to be where you are right now instead of in that drivers seat, watching his world fall apart.
a police officer just risked her life to protect others
a terrorist just died for something he believes in
another terrorist decided not to bomb something, saving hundreds of peoples lives who will never know how close to death they were.
someone is seconds away from a catastrophic car crash
someone else has selected seven random numbers on a card, and has no idea he or she will be a millionaire tomorow morning- they just think tomorow will be another normal day at work.
a man will catch his wife ceathing on him
two kids will fall in love for the first time.
someone will get 1st place at something, after years of hard work and training
someone will write a nearly identical post
an african will find a loaf of bread and have a feast tonight
a kid in suburbia will go to sleep hungry, because mom lost her job, and cant affort much aside from bread
a future president of the united states will have a sleep over with friends or play monopoly or smoke a cigarette or wash his or her car.
at the very moment you read this.
think- if you were born in korea, you'd have a totally different group of friends and never knew the people u know now existed.
think- if you were born in finland, youd miss out on the awesome surf tomorow morning- right here off AMI coast.
the shear size of humanity has grown to well beyond human comprehension.