(no subject)

Aug 20, 2005 04:36

so this was sharys last night here in bradenton. towns falling apart. got a call from marc at about 4:15. hes gone as well. felix- also gone. ian is hanging back, aswell as smock and marshall. pretty soon the water will be freezing and there will be no point in surfing. ive met everyone i want to meet in this town- ive successfully been drunk as much as ive wanted to be.

this is it guys. summer is over. highschool is over. this is the real world now- this is the end of us, our group of tight knit friends who ran around sophomore year, or hung out in the back of nicks car, or totally build our own party scene from absolute scratch, or drank every day of summer every summer. this is the end of non stop partys every weekend, and sometimes more frequent.

so, in honor of our lives for the last 4 years, the story of the NWB from my eyes.

8th grade: i gather the courage to make my first friend. patrick and i start talking- we become friends immediatley, and by christmass of 8th grade, were hanging out- having sleep overs. he introudeces me to a coupple friends of his- dave- who we would lose contact with, dox, who would be a big part of all this- but whom i would hate later, and ian. the combinations of us would sparatacially hang out- having sleep overs, usually on the island- where sharys house was. shary and i chace jill holoway and sandra weingarnter around all summer- i end up going out with kristi, shary- with nicki M.

9th grade.
shary and i hang tight. we lose contact with dave and dox for a while, because dox tried to kill patrick with a knife one night at my house for whatever reason. shary and i spend alot of our time hanging out every day after school, burning things and wasting time. we meet a guy named ben dennis. immediatley becomes friends with me- at which point i introduced him to shary and ian. we spent freshmen year riding around in a girl named jens car, and climbing onto roofs of buildings.

sophomore year
i have my first party. a boxing party. 14 people showed- and i loved it. shary and dox faught, ending their fued and regaining him as a friend.
one day, a guy i vaguely knew of named marshall invites me to hang out. we hang- and immediatley become friends. my time with him consisted of breaking into buildings and cars. ben introduced us to a guy named nick- who had a friend named shane. nick had a car- which we spent much of our freshmen year riding around in. this was much more fun than riding with jen, because nick would destroy things with his car. ben veers off with drumline for a while... until one day he came to us, and introduced us to alcohol...


vandalisim was fun, but it was time to expand. we procede to get wasted for the first time on my boat at the marina- we then think of how much fun it would be to get all our friends together and drink-
ben and i went around one friday ammassing friends- people we kind of knew- if we could do it with boxing, we could do it with drinking. we get abrye, lindsy, her friend aly barrasse, who introduced us to her sister and bens future girlfriend, alexis. we partied at churches, parks, shanes dads house when he was out of town, and largley, the marina.

mary beth. i meet this girl on the bus.
she was a remarkably tall blond haired girl who lived behind me. she invites me to germany, and for some reason, i accecept.
sophomore summer. we drink constantly. every day- untill one day, i fly to germany. that night, my friends got caught drinking at a church by the police- the days of random church drinking were over.
in germany, i meet several older people, who would prove good friends and solid additions to the party scene. it was that month that i learned how to party. i met a german named marc that month in a game of wallball- unknowing he was my soon to be best friend of 3. excited upon my return, i totaled my car. life went on- and by this point i had learned how to deal with girls.

11th grade. at this point, it was easy. we partied at the marina and gradually at sharys house as it was being built. new people came and went, and sure enough, most of my friends decided they wanted in on the german program aswell. october of that month was the german explosion. we partied like never before- new people, new drinks, 11th grade was my real partying stage. i threw some massive shit and i threw it every weekend. time went on, parents got tired of it. we all had cars by now, so much of our time was on the road exploring the city. that month, we had met a girl named ashley, who upon meeting shane, clicked with him. i remeber she told me she liked him on a small sailboat in manatee river. id touch more on 11th grade, but it was a drunken drug induced blur to me.

that summer,we all went to germany and patrick catches me with his sister. my life is put on hold- i lose all friends except marshall, shane, and ash. most of my time was spent with marshall.

12th grade
distrought, i had to meet new friends- which i did. i opend my doors and built new contacts- sheehan, smock, emily, bailey, julee, etc.
i cant say much about what happend with everyone else, because i honestly wasnt there. time went on, shary and i became friends again- the re-unification of his group, and my new group, equated to total party mayhem. the mass conglomerate of people sparked total action and by far the best party time of my life. we gradually eased tensions with another group in our neighborhood and i began expanding onto the island. shary and i were meeting new people and expanding our group of friends untill i suspect it was well over a hundred. having to elect half the people i knew instead of all of them when we through a party was a shitty thing to do, but it was incredible to me to think about how hard it was to find 13 people into coming to my boxing thing, whilst me and shary could now throw parties with 60-70 people in a days notice.

i cant really describe this last summer. for me, its been the grand finalle. between three particular blowout parties, international travel, new cars, fights, sex, new friends and new drinks- itll make me miss this.

i feel like weve come so far... so what now...

time to start over!

did i miss any important parts?
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