Spaz 57

Nov 04, 2007 21:24

Well, that was just… odd.
I had fun playing DDR with that one guy… Brad? Yeah, Brad.
There was one really odd one that came right before midnight though. She just let herself in when I open the door to see who was knocking. I tried to say something but she just smiled at me for a minute before suddenly hugging me, saying that she loved me, and then vanishing before I could say anything. The odd thing was that Yellow seemed really happy to see her. I wish I got her name…
Molly and Caru-chan were nice though~!
It was a little odd to be called Ran-pyon again… I miss it sometimes…
What did you guys think of yesterday?

that was odd, ran-pyon, nice people are nice, i meet my mun and i don't even know it!, how about you guys?, post curse

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