Spaz 20

Sep 14, 2007 12:18

Being hacked was shitty
But look at all
Of the pretty
Sparkles I found!

Thanks mommy for taking me out for ice cream. It helped a lot ♥
You doing ok Ryu-kun?
thanks for the cake Mikami-kun. ♥

Who wants to help me plan a party for Matt for when he gets out?

[filtered from Nana/mommy//unhackable]
So when do people usually throw a baby show? Tomo-chan and I want to throw one for mommy, but I’m not sure when we are supposed to.

(ooc, I am not that deep; deep down, I am really shallow)

baby shower, party time!, sparkles, mikami-kun, cake, ryu-kun, mommy, ice cream, matt

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