Spaz 7

Aug 30, 2007 16:32

Thanks for the bag and shoes Saya! My boss was totally envious of me when I got to work today. He is such a nut job. It’s really fun to work for him though.

Having the Shibuya Club again was a lot of fun yesterday. It made work really busy today though! It was fun anyway. Boss let me off early so I could look for Merry; he is such a nice guy!

Has anyone seen Merry around? Cain and I are looking for her, but nothing so far. I hope she is ok. Maybe she really did go home… but I am going to keep looking a bit longer before I go home again.

Hey, Chiyo-chan, If you really want to start up HOKI I am sure that a lot of those that were in it yesterday will join. I think that would be a good idea really.

Hey Matt, what the fuck dude, why did you poison Die-kun for? It just dose not seem like something you would do. I mean after what we went through I though you had the honor not so do something like this. Are you ok though? I know you a lot better then I know Die-kun, I hope your ok.

You ok Zee-teach? You get home all right?

Yellow learned to roll over today! I am so proud of her; she is such a good puppy. I think I will let your run around in the park for a little while before I head home. It’s been an eventful day.

(ooc, strike filtered to Matt, unhackable.)

wtf, chiyo-chan, hoki for real yo, shibuya club, zee-teach, merry, drinking is for losers, die-kun, saya, hot bribe!, have you seen?, new trick!, busy work day, cain, yellow, matt

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