May 02, 2005 10:30
I did it! For a while there, I didn't think it was going to be possible to complete an entirety of a term paper--research and all in two days. The time limit I gave myself is actually not bad at all, except I was worried because it was poli sci; I feel as if I never know what I'm talking about, regarding poli sci stuff. No more poli sci classes. Hopefully, my paper is sufficiently coherent.
Two classes today. I'll be ridding myself of 35 pages of utter bullshit compiled this past week. My papers are god awful, but they're done!
Two exams left, and then this ridiculous semester can officially come to an end. I don't feel as relieved as I thought I would be this morning; however, I'm lacking sleep sooo much. Maybe after a nice long nap this afternoon, things will seem better..