I'm not dead.Yet.

Nov 21, 2008 18:19

I've been neglecting my LJ for quite a while now again. ^^ I still can't organize my time so that I'd manage to do everything. ^^ I hardly meet the deadlines at school,which coem like every second day or something.

I got a packet from HERESY this week. ^-^ Yay!So much stuff came,that I was really hyper~ <3__<3 I LOOOVE Garish Room!!!!I actually managed to understand some things in there!I'm so proud of myself! xD I loved how cute Uruponchi was in it!And I decided that Kai(with all respect!I love him veryvery much,but still!) has an aweful fashion sense! xD His pants made me go yack. ^^ He should get some styling adivices from the most stylish man alive a.k.a RUKI!!! <3 I adore Ruki's style.It's absolutely perfect.Pure love. <3

That's what I want for X-mas now. xD Won't get it tho,but I can dream~ xP

Yesterday I had to skip Japanese lesson.For the first time EVER. x___x I had to go to the Swedish theatre with my class...It was superboring and I understood only maybe half of what they were saying there.But I just couldn't skip it,cause on Monday we'll be having a group oral activity about it in Swedish and it will be reorded and sent to IBO.Goshhhh,am I nervous!!I have to say something aout this main character Kari who lost his job and because of that feels so depressed that he starts beating his wife.Kinda shocking,but that happens a lot in our society...

Eniveiz...Tomorrow morning I'm doing driving theory test...At 9:15 on FREAKING SATURDAY!!!! >.< I'm a bit nervous,but I believe it will go well,cause I've been practising A LOT.My teacher Nikke still laughs at me sometimes when we're driving,but he says I'm getting better,so soon I can do driving test also.Well,that IS scary. O.O My friend had it today,but she failed...Poor thing!Next week she's redoing it.Ganbatte~ ^___~

What else happened?Oh,I found my first crush on the Facebook! xD We've been talking a lot lately and I still find him super nice!He's changed a lot since elementary school,but he's kinda cute~ ^^ It's not like I still have a crush on him,but it feels good to talk with him,cause he's so funny and we share so many childhood memories~ :)))

I might look dead,but I'm not. :D

I think I have an addiction to fake eyelashes~ ^^

My eyes look so much better with them~ <3 I think I'm going to start collecting pretty eyelashes! xD

school, driving school, beauty, the gazette, swedish, crush, heresy, rant, makeup, japanese, friends

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