I was so shocked when i first saw this picture! O.O What did Ruki do to his hair?And Uruha's hair look really weird here.I was even afraid that he had cut his beautiful hair very short! ^^'' But I'm glad he didn't! ^___^ They all don't look like themselves here.Maybe it's because of the lousy quality of this piccu..
When I saw this picture I was like. Ö.Ö Does Ruki have black lipstick on?Are Gazette going back to their visual image or something?I love visual kei,so there's no problem with that,but it's just weird,that Gazette has just changed their style into this really manly and handsome one and now suddenly they do this..I'm a bit confused,that's all. ^^'
Well,even though I talk so much about their looks,it's the music that's the most important,ne? ^___^ But I love how Gazemen look.No matter how funny/scary/great/terrible it is.They are always beautiful to me! <3