Aug 01, 2006 13:19
They say it helps to let it all out so here's hoping. I had a busy day planned today. First I had to meet with my recruiter and take a test required for my field and then I had a job interview. My recruiter said that the test would take but 5 minutes but he didn't tell me WHERE the test was. It turns our that the test was at Fort Gillem. I didn't know that until I was in the car with him. Problem with that was the kids were left unsupervised at home. So I explained to my recruiter that I had to be home AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. He said no problem. What a liar. He's picking up recruits and dropping them off long after I am done with my test. All the while I am like I have to get home. So I called the kids to check up on them. While I was on the phone with them another number came through. It was Krys yelling at me. I tried to explain to her that I had planned this day based on the information given me by my recruiter. Krys being her usually sunny self did the "Whatever, whatever, bye!" thing and hung up on me. I miss my interview because my recruiter is still dicking around. My mother calls me. I tell her the situation about Krys and she gives me one of her speeches then turns around and fucking calls Krys. Krys proceeds to tell my mother some serious BULLSHIT about me. She told her that I don't feed the kids and that I don't change John. Yea because I've never taken care of children before and it's not like these kids are RELATED to me or anything so why should I feed them or change them like a decent human being would do. So then my mom feeds me some shit and whatever. I call Krys and ask her why she told Mom that I don't feed the kids and she's like "That's not what I said I was just talking about yesterday," and blah blah blah. Some bullshit. Everyone in your life is full of bullshit. People will let you down, turn their backs on you, and do you wrong every chance you get. And sure, you'd like to think that family would be the last to do some cruel shit like that to you but 9 times out of ten they are usually the first. I gave up my whole fucking life in California to come out here and help my sister and she goes and tells the most evil fucking insensitive lies on me that she can. I don't even understand why someone would say something like that about me. So now I am scrambling around trying to make plans because I mean if that's really what she thinks of me then why does she have me with her kids. If I am so bad as to not feed them or properly care for them then I should just leave. Mom wants us all to have a talk tonight but I'm not investing too much into that. So I'm going to make sure that I'm well taken care of for the next 5 months. Even if it doesn;t come to that, I can't stay with Krys after she said some shit like that about me. And I damn sure won't go stay with my mother after she believed some shit like that about me. I had three trips planned for before I leave in December. Maybe with some fancy maneuvering I can make them last longer and position them around my DEP meetings so that I can spend as little time in Georgia as possible. I am obligated to maintain residency here since I was recruited here but I don't actually have to be here if I have travelling liberties granted by the military. I'm just scrambling around for plans right now because I'm have no foundation. I never thought that my sister would dog me like that. I put faith into her not to dog me like that and she did so there goes my faith in her or any other family. And do you want to know what the kicker is? She would never say some shit like that about her beloved LaShonna. You know the sister she's had for less than a year but knows better than the back of her hand? Yea because LaShonna and her are SOOO much alike and how could her baby sister that she's known for 20 years even compete with this perfect fucking stranger? I've been hurt by a lot of people a lot of times... but this hurts more than any of those times. I mean at least before I could delude myself in thinking taht I was a decent person. But if my sister thinks those things about me then I must be shit, right?