Oct 18, 2004 14:17
Hello World,
What a weekend. Had two races this weekend. One more week for the local racing and we can relax until the money races down south in nov. and daytona at Christmas. It has been a good year. I am so glad to have a break. I look forward to some plane rides coming up this winter to see my sweetheart. I have been on the phone all day talking with guys about next year and trying to pick up some new drivers for support. I reflect back on this year and i am so thankful that all the drivers were safe. I have had and seen some bad wrecks myself and everyone knows the chance we take but the fuel is in our blood and so it is what it is. lol. Today is sunny and cool and i look forward to the holidays coming up and spending some quality time with my baby.SIGHHHHHHHHHH.
I was standing in the store this morning and getting some excellent food from the food bar. I got some crab meat,salad,beans,beets,and some tuna. Now i know this type of diet does not fit everyone but i like it. lol. Anyway, I was thinking about how lucky we are to live in America and have all the riches in the world. Than it dawn on me about the man standing outside by the bank that had a sign in his hand. Now i'm not sure what the sign said but i'm sure it read something like work for food. And than i just said to myself I'm going to fix him up a big box and get him a nice big bottle of chilled milk and maybe this will let him know that there is hope in life and to never give up. So i started to fill the white container up with some good eats. I got back in my dually and started heading back up the road. I came up to the light and sure enough he was standing there. He had old cloths on wearing a beard that needed some attention. The light was red and yes the traffic was heavy behind me. I place the truck in park and jumped out with a nice big bag of food and beverage. I walked up to him and handed the bag to him and he just looked at me like i was crazy. I looked into his blue eyes and i could see the thank you pouring out of them. I ask him his name and he said with a deep voice Randy. I said Randy my name is Russ. I ask him how everything was going and he replied slow Russ. I told him that God loves him and i said Randy you eat this and that is when i gave him a friend of mines card and told him to call him for some work. I thought to myself oh Shit. The light. lol I said later Randy and ran back to the truck. The light had turn red again. This is so crazy, I looked back in my mirrow and the cars behind me never blew the horn or acted like assholes or nothing. That seem strange. But What i did was not my norm anyway. It felt like that whole 20 mins. in life was a perfect time to say hey, I love this world i live in and i care for all the people in it. Whatever. lol I would never have shared this with anyone but my baby ask me to write in my Journal and it was still on my mind. I will catch you cats later.